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Forum : Invoice Item CostSearch Forum

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 Invoice Item Cost 
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  Bret Hamlin 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 4 
 Joined: 2008-04-24 
 Posted : 2008-07-28 22:53:13

I am trying to build a custom report with Crystal. It will be a job cost report. One piece of information I am trying to pull from QB is the cost of an item that has been invoiced. I need the actual cost of the item at the time it was invoiced - the actual amount that was sent to the COGS account. I do not want the average cost of the item at the time the report is created, so I cannot pull from the item listing. I have used the "How QODBC Interfaces with QuickBooks" document as a map to find all of the tables and fields that I require for the report except for this invoice cost information.

Thanks for any help.


Bret Hamlin 
 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-07-29 08:08:07
See: How can I see the cost of a stock item and compare it to what I invoiced it for?   

  Bret Hamlin 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 4 
 Joined: 2008-04-24 
 Posted : 2008-07-29 22:34:33

Thank you for your reply, but that is not quite what I'm looking for.  I need the actual cost of an item that has been invoiced.  This would be the exact amount that hits the COGS account at the time of the invoice.  It would be the average cost of the item at the time of the invoice.  I believe the only place it is actually held is in the COGS account with a reference to the invoice.  Example:  I create invoice #1234 for item "X" whose average cost is $10.  A week later, when I create the report for invoice #1234, the average cost for item "X" is now $12, but I want the report to reference the actual amount that went to COGS for this invoice ($10).  So I need to know which table and field in which this is held.

Thank you.


Bret Hamlin 
 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-07-29 22:50:22

Sorry, but QuickBooks doesn't store the cost of each invoice line. QuickBooks doesn't track unit costs unless you create a new job for every purchase and invoice or you can use a custom field to link and track the purchase line (BillItemLine) with the invoice line (InvoiceLine) to do real costing!!!!  

The only other way to do it is to store the average cost of the item at the time of the invoice into a custom field when the invoice line is written (INSERTed). This would then allow you to extract the sales value and true cost for every invoiced item.


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