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 Topics   Author   Replies   Views   Last Post Info 
Normal   Best way to optimize QODBC for Acess 2002 and invoice bill import into QB Enterprise 8 
Mari 7 15  2009-02-17 18:11:09 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Using a Class in TimeTracking inserts 
stellina 3 225  2009-01-10 14:39:13 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Bill Item and Expenses data entry in Quickbooks 
Nasarudin 6 61  2008-11-23 17:31:45 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Xerces-Com.DLL Error Message using Visual Studio .NET and Vista 
Matthew 41 416  2008-11-05 10:45:09 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   QODBC Multi-user setup 
Vlad 20 707  2008-10-08 07:59:43 
 Post by : Bob Chesley
Normal   No Data is Returned from Estimate table 
BuckyP 18 467  2008-10-06 16:33:23 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   No data returned using optimizer with QuickBooks 2008 Canadian Edition 
AaronK 21 305  2008-10-06 16:29:45 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Easiest way to make report showing average time between receipt and invoice of item 
Troy Smith 9 239  2008-10-06 16:17:11 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Updating memo in Invoice table 
DavidGB 1 78  2008-10-05 12:33:32 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Posting Transactions to PurchaseOrder table 
Jerome Wood 1 97  2008-09-25 08:02:13 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How can I get records for the Accounts Receiveable? 
shutter 1 134  2008-09-16 13:09:08 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Visual Studio 2008 (with Vista) fast in forms app but slow in web app (website) 
Daryl 5 189  2008-09-12 20:10:03 
 Post by : Daryl
Normal   ODBC driver for QuickBooks QBi 2008/09 Series 
Bull 10 549  2008-09-12 02:31:56 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Updating BillExpenseLine.ExpenseLineAccountRefListID 
GB 1 109  2008-09-06 09:04:56 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Billable Payroll - Need to Display More Fields on Invoice 
katie97 6 205  2008-08-21 12:26:55 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Amounts by Account Number and specific dates 
Ricardo 1 204  2008-07-31 08:14:06 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   problems with SQL 2005 linked server with QODBC -> QB 2008 CdnEdition 
Brett 4 444  2008-07-09 10:28:04 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   QODBC query very slow in MS Access 
databasepro 20 588  2008-06-30 21:56:49 
 Post by : databasepro
Normal   QuickBooks Reinstall/Uninstall not working 
Duncan Wilcock 6 388  2008-06-11 03:21:03 
 Post by : Duncan Wilcock
Normal   Multi-Company Reporting with Crystal Reports 
Bret Hamlin 5 267  2008-05-01 03:53:13 
 Post by : Al
Normal   BillPaymentCheck table returning no records even though there are 
koze 1 234  2008-04-24 09:39:12 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Cannot connect using DBQwikEdit 
Scomage 17 261  2008-04-24 09:22:08 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Update Existing Estimate and adding new lines to a existing Estimate 
michael 5 234  2008-04-22 07:33:08 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Cannot Modify (Update) Data 
Magnet 1 369  2008-04-13 14:51:22 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   QODBC Failed to read AR and AP Payment records using Canadian QuickBooks 2008 
Clifford 2 210  2008-04-11 22:51:01 
 Post by : Clifford
Normal   Trouble with simple ASP page and Quickbooks 
Pete 1 248  2008-04-07 11:32:43 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   SDK User Fields DataExt 
NormanK 4 239  2008-03-31 10:24:51 
 Post by : NormanK
Normal   Left Outer Join for FOUR Tables 
Mike W 5 250  2008-03-26 10:17:29 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Cannot perform this request unless an interactive QuickBooks user is logged in and Auto-Login 
William 5 266  2008-03-18 11:35:31 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   8004040a Compatibility issue? 
OFPros 3 253  2008-03-13 10:09:46 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   QODBC not allowed to logon automatically to Quickbooks 2008 
ATGoss 13 603  2008-03-12 11:19:25 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Where can I find the E-mail Sent Date? 
Rajib Bahar 3 198  2008-03-07 07:53:01 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Error 8004042f on QuickBooks 6 USA 
HowardC 2 219  2008-03-02 13:28:28 
 Post by : HowardC
Normal   Select * from Invoice takes forever 
Quin Filipowicz 5 378  2008-02-29 09:27:03 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Reload All Data Error Message 
Stephen 1 212  2008-02-28 08:07:30 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Optimizer Table breaks every 3 days 
rbgCODE 7 277  2008-02-28 07:35:35 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Problem adding Credit Memo 
Ian 1 259  2008-02-27 09:26:52 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   QB won't let me log off or switch to multi user mode. 
CD 2 268  2008-02-22 15:23:08 
 Post by : CD
Normal   SLOW performance using MS Access and QuickBooks 2008 Enterprise Edition 
avalonacres 1 592  2008-02-01 10:36:36 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   QB Canadian or UK edtion requires API version 1.1 or 2.0 
Dvora 5 354  2008-01-31 20:56:07 
 Post by : Joyce Beck
Normal   Problems with remote desktop when using MS Access 
David R. 5 290  2008-01-29 18:24:36 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Linked Invoice RefNumber are ignored by QuickBooks 
Deborah Crozier 3 271  2008-01-25 08:01:40 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Statement Charge Insert statement fails 
Mr. Fitz 6 254  2008-01-20 13:43:33 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Can I merge Customer Accounts? 
Bottom Line Enterprises 10 270  2008-01-16 05:38:41 
 Post by : Bottom Line Enterprises
Normal   Constant Problems with your software.... 
TomW 8 563  2007-12-31 08:29:23 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Update SQL Error when using VB.NET 2005 
Cathy Boland 4 313  2007-12-12 12:26:53 
 Post by : Cathy Boland
Normal   Non admin users 
ukmerlin 3 285  2007-12-09 21:38:11 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   MSAccess Delete Query Error using ITEM table 
TXtreme 1 268  2007-11-27 13:24:23 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Query fails from VBA in Excel - TMP folder required 
George Stossel 4 290  2007-11-22 09:20:46 
 Post by : George Stossel
Announcements   Two Versions of Canadian QuickBooks 2008 
Tom 2 347  2008-11-06 07:43:45 
 Post by : Tom
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