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Forum : QB won't let me log off or switch to multi user mode.Search Forum

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 QB won't let me log off or switch to multi user mode. 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 9 
 Joined: 2008-02-21 
 Posted : 2008-02-21 22:56:03

I have downloaded a trial today and upon setting it up (it's working ok) i have tried to swap to multi user mode so the staff can use QB again but it won't allow me to the message is: "the company file cannot be closed at this timebecause there is another application (addin product or background task) which is using it. You must close that appliaction before you can close the company file."

I have gone back to Preferences/ Company Preferences tab /  and removed the application from the list but still will not allow me to exit.

Excel is not running.

No Qodbc prog running.

I would appreciate you reply ASAP as staff are unable to use QB until resolved.


thanks in advance



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-02-22 07:36:12
See: I'm getting the error message "Cannot close company file" for more information.  

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 9 
 Joined: 2008-02-21 
 Posted : 2008-02-22 15:23:08

thanks, yes it seemed to resolve itself in the bckground, when i logged on this morning others had already logged on as well, had me a little worried.



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