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Forum : QODBC Query - Multiple Companies into ExcelSearch Forum

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 QODBC Query - Multiple Companies into Excel 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 1 
 Joined: 2008-03-22 
 Posted : 2008-03-22 04:20:42

Can you please provide sample coding (in SQL?) for beginning/ending quickbooks sessions?  I am trying to pull information from multiple companies.

I am trying to pull the trial balances of 12 files into excel.  I have the SQL Query (using QODBC) set up in excel.  It runs perfectly - for one company at a time.  What I would like to do is find sample coding of how to tell my query to Begin Session with file #1, run the report query/export, End Session with file #1, PAUSE, then Begin Session with file #2 .... until all of the session are done.

This is a work around alternative to using the combined company report through Quickbooks because I don't want the numbers combined.  If we could alter the combined reports to NOT actually combine the numbers, that would be PERFECT.  Quickbooks is able to generate this report (and export to excel) in a fraction of the time that it takes me using my query on just one company - doing all 12 files is still going to take me about 10 minutes whereas QB takes about 2 minutes.

I do NOT want to create a macro to go into my excel file and update each tab one at a time (i currently have separate tabs for each QB file).

Thank you!


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-03-26 12:31:30

You will need to do this using VBA from within MS Excel, each VBA script routine will need to open and close the connection with at least a 5 second delay to allow QuickBooks to close each company file. The nearest posted example I have is: Running an sp_report in Access using VBA 

See also: How do I use ADO and Visual Basic? 


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