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Forum : QODBC, FM 9 & QuickBooks 7Search Forum

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 QODBC, FM 9 & QuickBooks 7 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 4 
 Joined: 2007-03-15 
 Posted : 2008-03-18 06:56:45
Prior to downloading the latest version of QODBC & installing it, I was able to use the READ-ONLY version that comes with the QuickBooks software (Edition 7.0) to access QB from Filemaker 9.  Then I decided to try the new version from your web site, downloaded and installed it.  After that nothing worked!  After not having any luck with getting the new version to work from FM, I un-installed it and now the read only version does not work any longer either!
I can see the "QuickBooks Data" in the ODBC data sources in FM, however any attempt to import any data into FM from QB fails with the following 2 messages:
1) ODBC Error: [Filemaker][ODBC Filemaker Pro driver][Filemaker Pro]Connect failed

2) ODBC Error: [Microsoft]ODBC Driver Manager] Function sequence error

I'm running FM Pro Adv 9 on a Windows XP laptop.

Any idea how I can get past this problem and back to using the read-only QODBC plug-in?

Thank you for your help. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-03-18 11:15:15
Try doing the How do I connect to QuickBooks for the first time? procedure (again) but this time check what mode QODBC is running in.... from the About tab in the QODBC Setup screen. 

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