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Forum : 80040421 error on a previously working installSearch Forum

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 80040421 error on a previously working install 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 1 
 Joined: 2008-02-26 
 Posted : 2008-02-26 07:49:07

As of last Wednesday, our QODBC was connecting to our Quickbooks fine.  All our users are running Windows XP; the company file is hosted on a Server 2003 server.

Since Thursady, no one has been able to get their connection working.  Whenever we try to connect through the QODBC, we get this error:

2008-02-25 14:28:35 QODBC Ver: *********************************************************************************************************************


IsAService: False


Begin Session Failed. S0000 00000 [QODBC] QB Begin Session Failed. Error = 80040421, This application is not allowed to change its authentication preferences unless QuickBooks is running with the Administrator logged in.


Begin Session errors can be caused when running ASP or other system service and not setting the "Advanced" button option of either "Use DCOM Servers" or "Remote Connector"


Like I said, it was working on everyone's PCs Wednesday, so it doesn't need to go through the initial setup again; it's like something was updated and is causing a problem now.

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-02-26 08:19:06

Try looking at: QODBC Multi-user setup 


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