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Forum : Union Query for SalesOrdersLine and InvoiceLine TablesSearch Forum

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 Union Query for SalesOrdersLine and InvoiceLine Tables 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 25 
 Joined: 2006-04-25 
 Posted : 2006-04-25 05:14:55

I am trying to combine a couple of queries via a union query. Each individual part works, but when I try to run both in the union query, I get the following error:

[ODBC] Expected Lexical Element not found: <keyword> (#11015)


My SQL is this:

SELECT [shipdate]
FROM [qrysalesorder]

UNION ALL SELECt [shipdate]
from [qryinvoiceline];

All of my tables and queries work, so I don't know why I would get an error with just the Union Query.

I'll also give you my SQL for my queries...


SELECT tblSalesOrderLine.ShipDate, tblSalesOrderLine.CustomerRefFullName, tblSalesOrderLine.ShipAddressCity, tblSalesOrderLine.PONumber, tblSalesOrderLine.SalesOrderLineItemRefFullName, tblSalesOrderLine.SalesOrderLineQuantity, tblSalesOrderLine.SalesOrderLineDesc, tblSalesOrderLine.TemplateRefFullName, tblSalesOrderLine.IsFullyInvoiced, tblSalesOrderLine.IsManuallyClosed
FROM tblSalesOrderLine
WHERE (((tblSalesOrderLine.CustomerRefFullName)<>"LDI") AND ((tblSalesOrderLine.SalesOrderLineItemRefFullName) Is Not Null) AND ((tblSalesOrderLine.TemplateRefFullName) Like "PP Work Sales Order") AND ((tblSalesOrderLine.IsFullyInvoiced)=No) AND ((tblSalesOrderLine.IsManuallyClosed)=No));


SELECT tblInvoiceLine.ShipDate, tblInvoiceLine.CustomerRefFullName, tblInvoiceLine.ShipAddressCity, tblInvoiceLine.PONumber, tblInvoiceLine.InvoiceLineItemRefFullName, tblInvoiceLine.InvoiceLineQuantity, tblInvoiceLine.InvoiceLineDesc, tblInvoiceLine.TemplateRefFullName
FROM tblInvoiceLine
GROUP BY tblInvoiceLine.ShipDate, tblInvoiceLine.CustomerRefFullName, tblInvoiceLine.ShipAddressCity, tblInvoiceLine.PONumber, tblInvoiceLine.InvoiceLineItemRefFullName, tblInvoiceLine.InvoiceLineQuantity, tblInvoiceLine.InvoiceLineDesc, tblInvoiceLine.TemplateRefFullName
HAVING (((tblInvoiceLine.ShipDate)>#3/1/2006#) AND ((tblInvoiceLine.CustomerRefFullName)<>"LDI") AND ((tblInvoiceLine.InvoiceLineItemRefFullName)<>"ship" And (tblInvoiceLine.InvoiceLineItemRefFullName)<>"rush") AND ((tblInvoiceLine.TemplateRefFullName) Like "Delivery Receipt" Or (tblInvoiceLine.TemplateRefFullName) Like "PP Work Order"));

Again, both of my front end queries work fine, so there's something wrong with the Union Query and QODBC.



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-04-25 10:54:25

Sorry, the use of UNION element will result with a: "Expected Lexical Element not found" error as the UNION element is not implemented in QODBC yet. You will need to pull the results of both queries into a temporary file and work with the results from there.

UNION is on the wish list .....


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 25 
 Joined: 2006-04-25 
 Posted : 2006-04-27 02:49:11
For anyone else struggling with the same problem, I was able to get around this by making my original queries make-table queries and running them with macros, then running the union query off of those tables which avoided the lexical error... 

 Group: Members 
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 Posted : 2007-10-05 01:38:06
We have v7, what is the syntax for using UNION between 2 select statements? Can you please provide an example? We have read-only so cannot work around this issue by make-table queries. 

 Group: Administrator 
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 Posted : 2007-10-05 06:51:14

Sorry, QODBC v8.00.00.234 still doesn't except the following SQL syntax:

SELECT Name FROM Customer
Union Select Name from Vendor


SELECT Name FROM Customer
Union All Select Name from Vendor


 Group: Administrator 
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 Posted : 2008-10-06 15:52:09
Union is now supported using QODBC v9, see: Release Fixes  

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 Joined: 2009-01-08 
 Posted : 2009-01-08 17:13:19
Can I confirm that UNION with 2 selects that use GROUP BY causes an error "[QODBC] Unable to do GROUP BY". The query in question is:

SELECT sl.TxnDate, sl.CustomerRefFullName, sl.RefNumber, sl.InvoiceLineItemRefFullName, SUM(sl.InvoiceLineQuantity)
FROM InvoiceLine sl WHERE sl.InvoiceLineQuantity IS NOT NULL GROUP BY sl.TxnDate, sl.CustomerRefFullName, sl.RefNumber, sl.InvoiceLineItemRefFullName


SELECT cl.TxnDate, cl.CustomerRefFullName, cl.RefNumber, cl.CreditMemoLineItemRefFullName, SUM(-cl.CreditMemoLineQuantity)
FROM CreditMemoLine cl WHERE cl.CreditMemoLineQuantity IS NOT NULL GROUP BY cl.TxnDate, cl.CustomerRefFullName, cl.RefNumber, cl.CreditMemoLineItemRefFullName 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2009-01-09 09:21:24
Correct you can't use GROUP BY within a UNION. 

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