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 Release Fixes 
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 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-09-10 13:27:59

Release Fixes

  • BR00000088 Unit of Measure missing from SalesLine table view - Unit of Measure was added and Sales and SalesLine was set to work with all version. See: Unit of Measure Enterprise-Manufacturing, what table is field in 
  • ER00000026 Replaced Remote Connector with RDS - RDS is available on the web site at:\download\RDSInstall\RDSClientInstaller.exe and\download\RDSInstall\RDSServerInstaller.exe.
    Old Connection string options of: "IBizRemoteConnect", "IBizRemoteURL", "IBizRemoteUID", "IBizRemotePWD", "IBizRemoteSSLServerCert", "IBizRemotePromptForPWD",  "IBizRemoteConnTimeOut", "IBizRemoteForce2002_2003"  are all still valid. The old QODBC Remote Connector EXE is at\download\RemoteConnector\connector.exe
  • QD00000090 New Australian QuickBooks 2008/09 now uses SDK 6.1 - Added support for AU fields (and sizes). I have tried my best to make all the names exist or work in all country versions. A field will still not exist if you have an old QuickBooks before it was supported but might exist as with Nulls if it does not apply to your country. Examples. SalesTaxCode in a lot of places does not apply to US. And the Fields SalesTaxCodeRefListID and TaxCodeRefListID are identical and either can be used to get the same result.
     The older name can be considered Depreciated and we can decide if we want to remove those at some point.
  • BR00000086 Dates still don't compare correctly using the QODBC Optimizer - Code was added to cast the date fields correctly for proper comparisions. See: Easiest way to make report showing average time between receipt and invoice of item and Updating data in Crystal Reports - optimization settings? 

    This does not work correctly using QODBC v8.00.00.242:-

    Select BillItemLine.ItemLineItemRefFullName, BillItemLIne.RefNumber as BillRef,
    BillItemLine.TxnDate as PurchaseDate, InvoiceLine.RefNumber as InvRef, InvoiceLine.TxnDate as SoldDate,
    InvoiceLine.TxnDate - BillItemLine.TxnDate as DaysHeld
    From BillItemLine NOSYNC, InvoiceLine NOSYNC
    where BillItemLine.ItemLIneItemRefListID = InvoiceLine.InvoiceLineItemRefListID
    and InvoiceLine.TxnDate >= BillItemLine.TxnDate

    as the values for DaysHeld are returned as either -1, 0 or 1.

    This works correctly:-

    Select BillItemLine.ItemLineItemRefFullName, BillItemLIne.RefNumber as BillRef,
    BillItemLine.TxnDate as PurchaseDate, InvoiceLine.RefNumber as InvRef, InvoiceLine.TxnDate as SoldDate,
    InvoiceLine.TxnDate - BillItemLine.TxnDate as DaysHeld
    From BillItemLine UNOPTIMIZED, InvoiceLine UNOPTIMIZED
    where BillItemLine.ItemLIneItemRefListID = InvoiceLine.InvoiceLineItemRefListID
    and InvoiceLine.TxnDate >= BillItemLine.TxnDate

    but takes forever to run!!!

    You can get around the bug by using:

    Select BillItemLine.ItemLineItemRefFullName, BillItemLIne.RefNumber as BillRef,
    BillItemLine.TxnDate as PurchaseDate, InvoiceLine.RefNumber as InvRef, InvoiceLine.TxnDate as SoldDate,
    {fn CONVERT(InvoiceLine.TxnDate, SQL_DATE)} - {fn CONVERT(BillItemLine.TxnDate, SQL_DATE)} as DaysHeld
    From BillItemLine NOSYNC, InvoiceLine NOSYNC
    where BillItemLine.ItemLIneItemRefListID = InvoiceLine.InvoiceLineItemRefListID
    and InvoiceLine.TxnDate >= BillItemLine.TxnDate

    however the evaluation of:-

    {fn CONVERT(InvoiceLine.TxnDate, SQL_DATE)} - {fn CONVERT(BillItemLine.TxnDate, SQL_DATE)}

    comes at a great cost as most of the speed of trying to use NOSYNC is destroyed by the evaluated function. Using QODBC v9 this is now fasters:

    Select BillItemLine.ItemLineItemRefFullName, BillItemLIne.RefNumber as BillRef,
    BillItemLine.TxnDate as PurchaseDate, InvoiceLine.RefNumber as InvRef, InvoiceLine.TxnDate as SoldDate,
    InvoiceLine.TxnDate - BillItemLine.TxnDate as DaysHeld
    From BillItemLine NOSYNC, InvoiceLine NOSYNC
    where BillItemLine.ItemLIneItemRefListID = InvoiceLine.InvoiceLineItemRefListID
    and InvoiceLine.TxnDate >= BillItemLine.TxnDate

  • BR00000085 CurrencyRef and IsUsingCustomerTaxCode errors running QuickBooks 2008 Canadian Premier Contractor Edition - Field changes have corrected this. See: No data returned using optimizer with QuickBooks 2008 Canadian Edition 
  • BR00000080 Estimate and EstimateLine tables can't be read using QuickBooks 2008 Canadian Edition - This was an intuit issue. It appears to be fixed now. See: No Data is Returned from Estimate table 
  • BR00000078 SIN empty when using QuickBooks 2008 Canadian Edition - This was an intuit issue. It appears to be fixed now. See: Can't see employee SIN number
  • BR00000079 What happened to TaxCodeRefListID in BillExpenseLine in QuickBooks 2008 Canadian Edition - Field changes have corrected this. See: Canadian QB 2008 - What happened to TaxCodeRefListID in BillExpenseLine  
  • BR00000077 Pay Cheques no longer appear in PayrollTransactionsByPayee report - The best we can do here is the field changes to support older field names for apps that cannot be rewritten quickly. See: sp_report PayrollTransactionsByPayee does not return TxnType = 'Pay Cheque' 
  • ER00000021 QODBC still doesn't support the use of UNION - This feature has been added. See: Union Query for SalesOrdersLine and InvoiceLine Tables 

             SELECT Name FROM Customer
             Union Select Name from Vendor


            SELECT Name FROM Customer
            Union All Select Name from Vendor

  • BR00000035 Cannot UPDATE BillableStatus in TimeTracking table in QuickBooks 2007 - Has been corrected. See: TimeTracking IsBillable Update , Update IsBilled to True  and Timesheets 

    The previous workaround was to include EntityRefListId (or EntityRefFullName) and DurationMinutes in the update set section to update any other fields as shown here:

    UPDATE TimeTracking SET EntityRefFullName='Dan T. Miller',
    DurationMinutes=7200, BillableStatus='HasBeenBilled'
    WHERE TxnID='5C08-1197761584'

    With QODBC v9, this now works:

    UPDATE TimeTracking SET BillableStatus='HasBeenBilled' WHERE TxnID='5C08-1197761584'

  • BR00000057 Updating CreditCardChargeExpenseLine.ExpenseLineMemo does not update the value - Has been corrected.
  • BR00000056 Employee Sex Field reversed in Australian version of QuickBooks - New version of AU QuickBooks has corrected this. See: Employee Sex Field reversed 
  • QD00000041 Panels when turned on, cause screen to flash all windows simultanesouly - Panels have been completely redone. They are now internal (to work on vista) and threaded to not slow processing down.
  • BR00000052 QODBC Setup Screen Bleeds - Has been corrected.
  • BR00000025 TaxCodeRefListID and TaxCodeRefFullName columns missing in non-USA tables - Field changes have corrected this. See: CreditCardChargeExpenseLine VAT   
  • ER00000009 Sales and SalesLine views still only available to USA users - Field changes have corrected this.
  • ER00000002 We need to add the CASE construct to QODBC - This feature has been added. See: Does QODBC SQL support a CASE construct? 

             CASE sql_expression
              WHEN sql_expression_value THEN return_value
              ELSE return_value


             WHEN sql_Boolean_expression THEN return_value
             ELSE return_value 

  • Adjusted SDK 7.0 Fields that no longer require us to force unoptimized mode to work as a normal field. This includes fields like Invoice.IsPaid.
  • Upgraded to Xerces 2.8 from 2.6
  • Activated the create index feature. This allows the creation of indexes in the optimizer table. At this time the indexes created are not restored when the table is re-optimized.

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