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Forum : Commas in FieldSearch Forum

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 Commas in Field 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2008-01-31 
 Posted : 2008-03-20 01:16:57

I am recieving the error message "[QODBC] Invalid operand for operator: <assignment>"

I suspect that the error is occuring because there are commas in several of the fields.  If that is the case, is there a way that I can escape the characters that are causing the problems?

Here is the SQL statement that I am trying to execute:

INSERT INTO TimeTracking (TxnDate, EntityRefListID, EntityRefFullName, CustomerRefListID, CustomerRefFullName, ItemServiceRefListID, ItemServiceRefFullName, DurationMinutes, ClassRefListID, ClassRefFullName, PayrollItemWageRefListID, PayrollItemWageRefFullName, Notes)VALUES ({d'2008-03-12'},'2350000-1024576676','Taylor, Cameron J.','B790000-1183382890','SCHU-155-07 Schubert,Scott 1&2 Casual Cay','370000-1114776262','Checking', '405','70001-1170429016','Jim Phelps ','320000-1157992035','Checking Labor','6e99710f-0027-438c-ba71-1e085110da21 LocalID ENTERED PROGRAMMATICALLY BY CDG-REPORTING')




 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-03-26 12:01:13

I don't think the commas are the problem here:

select * from timetracking where EntityRefFullName = 'Taylor, Cameron J.'

is fine. See: How do I insert data into the Timetracking table? for the proper syntax.


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