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Forum : Error when writing a Journal EntrySearch Forum

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 Error when writing a Journal Entry 
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  Dennis Stover 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 7 
 Joined: 2008-08-16 
 Posted : 2008-09-18 07:48:30

I have an integration that has been working great for several customers.  I am now tring to impliment this same program for a new customer.  When I try to add a Journal Entry, I get an error.

INSERT INTO JournalEntryCreditLine(TxnDate,RefNumber,JournalCreditLineAccountRefFullName,JournalCreditLineMemo,JournalCreditLineAmount,FQSaveToCache) VALUES ( {d'2008-09-05'},'AP00003','Accounts Payable:AP - MAX','AP00003 00000001 DACCTPAY A', 451.89,1)   

INSERT INTO JournalEntryDebitLine(TxnDate,RefNumber,JournalDebitLineAccountRefFullName,JournalDebitLineMemo,JournalDebitLineAmount,FQSaveToCache) VALUES ( {d'2008-09-05'},'AP00003','AP Accrual Inv-M','AP00003 00000001 DPURCHRECA', 451.89,1)   

INSERT INTO JournalEntry(TxnDate,RefNumber) VALUES ( {d'2008-09-05'},'AP00003')

[QODBC] Error: 3180 - There was an error when saving a General Journal transaction.  QuickBooks error message: Transaction split lines to accounts payable must include a vendor on that split line.

 This has worked fine and continues to work fine for existing custsomers.  Maybe there is a switch in QB that needs to be set?

Thanks for your time,



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-09-18 08:21:34
The error is suggesting that a value needs to be set for either JournalCreditLineEntityRefFullName or JournalDebitLineEntityRefFullName (or both). 

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