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Forum : ClearedStatus insert issue, and ability to add ARRefundCreditCardSearch Forum

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 ClearedStatus insert issue, and ability to add ARRefundCreditCard 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 1 
 Joined: 2008-07-24 
 Posted : 2008-07-25 06:38:31
First of all, let me say that QODBC is great!  I actually have it up and running via dbtcp, so if anybody has any issues with dbtcp or Linux connectivity issues, please feel free to ask away (it took a minor bit of hacking to get it compiled and running properly on our 64-bit Ubuntu Linux box).

So three moderate issues I'm having right now with our first QODBC application:

1)  I have been unable to either modify or add an ARRefundCreditCard transaction.  Or at least I couldn't get an INSERT into that table to work.  Because of the nature of the business my company is in, we have a large volume of credit card refund transactions and it would be incredibly valuable to be able to automatically modify or at least insert these.  I am pretty sure from looking at the QBXML stuff that it is possible to add ARRefundCreditCard transactions (not sure if modification is possible, but it's not a big deal as long as I can insert and delete).  Is there any way to do this currently with QODBC (if so, a working example would be great)?  Or is this a limitation of the version of Quickbooks we are using (we are still using QB 2006, but I am perfectly happy to upgrade to QB 2008 if it will fix this problem)?

2)  The second, possibly related(?), issue is that I am unable to mark an ARRefundCreditCard transaction as cleared by inserting into the ClearedStatus table.  I *am* able to mark individual ReceivePayment entries as cleared without a problem (as well as DepositLine and CheckExpense transactions), so it can't be an issue with my syntax.  The insert query just looks like:

INSERT INTO ClearedStatus(TxnID,ClearedStatus) VALUES ('3670B-1216222035','Cleared')

But when that TxnID is an ARRefundCreditCard transaction, and I go look at the register in the RefundFromAccount (which in our Quickbooks setup is an Other Current Asset account called "Undeposited Funds (2)"), the refund transaction is not checked off as cleared.

Any ideas on this one?

3)  The third issue is that I am unable to modify a ReceivePayment transaction's DepositToAccountRefFullName or DepositToAccountRefListID.  This field is listed as a Mod field in your table docs - but it doesn't work with my Quickbooks 2006.  Would I be able to update this field value if I upgraded to Quickbooks 2008?

Thank you so much for your help, and for this excellent product! 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-07-25 08:11:46

Support for ReceivePaymentMod was actually provided by the SDK release in QuickBooks 2007 USA Editions. QODBC v7 and v8 supports all the new features of SDK 6 shown at: QuickBooks SDK 6.0 for U.S. editions of QuickBooks 2007 

See: How do I create a new Customer, invoice them and mark the invoice as paid? for general info on receiving payments. Using QODBC v7 and v8 with QuickBooks 2007 you can now UPDATE the ReceivePaymentLine table. 

The Intuit qbXML SDK 6.0 in QuickBooks 2007 (USA version) also supports overpayment and refund operations. I've already pointed this out to the QODBC Software Engineer for implementation. I don't have a date when this enhancement will be added to QODBC.

Using QuickBooks 2006 isn't going to work.


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