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Forum : 10 data sources, 1 QODBC driver, Excel--all together!Search Forum

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 10 data sources, 1 QODBC driver, Excel--all together! 
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  pruitt hall 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 1 
 Joined: 2008-02-29 
 Posted : 2008-02-29 07:29:10

I have what I thought to be a fairly straight-forward problem that is vexing me for a solution.  We run Quickbooks Pro, multi-user.  We have 19 companies across 10 Quickbook databases.  We used to export to Excel, 19 reports that we wrote a macro that consolidates all 19 spreadsheets into one simple spreadsheet.  Works great.  Just wanted to automate the back-office side of Quickbooks, using QODBC to automate these output files. 

First problem is my development PC doesn't have Quickbooks, so I thought I'd use the Remote Connector.  I think I've finally come to the understanding that this will only work (or be allowed to work) on one (1) open Quickbooks file at a time (with the Quickbooks program running with the file in question open on the server-side PC).  This won't work in our scenario.

We simply want to access these files (10 of them) as we would any other database file via ODBC in VBA in Excel.  I know I may be able to develop this on the server-side PC that is running QuickBooks and the QODBC program.  But even here, I'll need a macro in Excel that will open the associated DSN (10 of them from what I understand), export the data, close the database, repeat process.

Is there a simple solution here that I'm just missing?

Many thanks!


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-02-29 07:51:05
The problem here is QuickBooks can only have one company file open at the one time. So your macro is going to have to open an close each connection with a delay between them. Whether you do this with QuickBooks on your development PC or use the QODBC remote connector, the same restrictions apply. Often Excel users just setup a sheet for each company and switch off automatic refreshing, then they just refresh each sheet in turn to up date the consolidated (front) sheet. 

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