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Forum : No recrods being returned in MSAccessSearch Forum

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 No recrods being returned in MSAccess 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 1 
 Joined: 2008-02-16 
 Posted : 2008-02-16 10:19:38

I have created a MS Access database that is trying to read the INVOICE file. When I run the query it comes back with no records. I know the file has records dating back to before 2000. I have tried using the SQL statement

                          Select * from Invoice unoptimized

When I run this statement QuickBooks stop running, and I get a dialog box that asks me to retry or switch to.

I have run the SDK Log, and I am getting the following message

20071029.170000 I 1856 RequestProcessor ========= Started Connection =========
20071029.170000 I 1856 RequestProcessor Request Processor, QBXMLRP2 v5.0
20071029.170000 I 1856 RequestProcessor Connection opened by app named 'FLEXquarters QODBC'
20071029.170000 I 1856 CertVerifier The file does not contain an Authenticode signature.
20071029.170000 I 1856 RequestProcessor Opening the file in the DoNotCare mode.
20071029.170112 I 1856 RequestProcessor Connection closed by app named 'FLEXquarters QODBC'
20071029.170112 I 1856 RequestProcessor ========== Ended Connection ==========

I have run the QODBC log, and I am getting the following message

2008-02-14 16:21:26 QODBC Ver: *********************************************************************************************************************
IsAService: False
SQLOptimize_SQLClose finalize:
not an error

Please advise as to why this might be happening.

When I run the same query on the customer file, I do not have the same problem, I believe it has to do with the size of the file.




 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-02-16 10:34:31
Please install QODBC v8 which can be found at: How can I get the latest version of QODBC? and then follow the steps shown at: How do I use prompted date ranges in MS Access?  

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