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Forum : First query to any table takes foreverSearch Forum

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 First query to any table takes forever 
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  Ken Brey 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 9 
 Joined: 2008-02-09 
 Posted : 2008-02-22 11:30:53
On a new installation of OQDBC 8 with QB 2008 using the VB Demo 32 program, the first time that I query any table, it takes several minutes to get any results.  Subsequent queries to the table are very fast.  It tried it with the optimizer on or off with similar results. 

Here is an example of one query which took over 10 minutes:

SELECT * FROM TimeTracking Where TxnDate>={d'2007-11-18'} And TxnDate<={d'2007-11-25'}

Subsequent queries changing the dates ran in seconds.

The worst is if I try to query the Invoice table.  I can't tell how long this one takes because it is still running:
Select * from Invoice

What causes it to take so long the first time and what can be done about it?

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-02-22 18:18:56

When you run the first query for the day, a number of things have to happen like the actual connection to QuickBooks and a update sync operation. If you want to by-pass waiting for a update sync do:

SELECT * FROM TimeTracking NOSYNC Where TxnDate>={d'2007-11-18'} And TxnDate<={d'2007-11-25'}

Again if you have four years of invoices, never do a Select * from Invoice, do

SELECT * FROM Invoice Where TxnDate>={d'2007-11-18'} And TxnDate<={d'2007-11-25'}

See: How do I setup the QODBC Optimizer? Where are the Optimizer options? for more information.



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