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 Custom Fields update 
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  Duane Christie 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 7 
 Joined: 2008-06-03 
 Posted : 2008-09-05 22:50:08

I am using QuickBooks Enterprise 8.0 USA.  We have created a custom field to store social security numbers for our customers.  We have to have this information to do 1098 forms.  The problem is we can't insert into the custom field, we can only update.  What I am doing is pulling the customer info from our main system, and then inserting them into QuickBooks.  Once I insert a new student, I then have to do an update based off of the name.  The problem is it is taking a good minute per student.  We have over 1000 customers in the system now, and that number will continue to grow exponentially.  If we are already having problems now, I can only imagine this will get worse as time goes on.  Can I create an index on the customer table, and if so, how do I go about creating it?  Below is the code I use to insert the customer:

str_Sql_Comm = "Insert into Customer(Name,LastName,FirstName,BillAddressAddr1,BillAddressCity,BillAddressState,BillAddressPostalcode,Phone,AccountNumber)Values('" + drow_Insert[1] + "','" + drow_Insert[2] + "','" + drow_Insert[3] + "','" + drow_Insert[6] + "','" + drow_Insert[7] + "','" + drow_Insert[8] + "','" + drow_Insert[9] + "','" + drow_Insert[5] + "', '" + drow_Insert[0] + "')";

OdbcCommand com_Qb_Insert = new OdbcCommand(str_Sql_Comm, con_QuickBooks);

com_Qb_Insert.CommandType = CommandType.Text;


I then do an update with this code:

str_Sql_Comm1 = "Update Customer SET CustomFieldSSN = '" + drow_Insert[12] + "' WHERE Name = '" + drow_Insert[1] + "'";

OdbcCommand com_Qb_Insert1 = new OdbcCommand(str_Sql_Comm1, con_QuickBooks);

com_Qb_Insert1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;


Any help would be appreciated. 


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-09-06 08:53:07

The problem is Name doesn't have an index (jump-in), you need to use:

str_Sql_Comm1 = "Update Customer SET CustomFieldSSN = '" + drow_Insert[12] + "' WHERE FullName = '" + drow_Insert[1] + "'";


sp_columns Customer

will show you what indexes are available.


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