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Forum : Suddenly - slow responseSearch Forum

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 Suddenly - slow response 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 3 
 Joined: 2006-10-12 
 Posted : 2008-03-05 00:11:43

I'm using and MS-Query from excel to build an income/expense spreadsheet from QB using QODBC.  This worked fine last month but now is painfully slow/unusable.  Here is the query:

SELECT BillPaymentCheck.TxnDate, BillExpenseLine.ExpenseLineAccountRefFullName, BillExpenseLine.Memo, BillPaymentCheckLine.RefNumber, -BillPaymentCheck.Amount, BillExpenseLine.ExpenseLineClassRefFullName
FROM BillExpenseLine BillExpenseLine, BillPaymentCheck BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCheckLine BillPaymentCheckLine
WHERE BillPaymentCheckLine.AppliedToTxnTxnID = BillExpenseLine.TxnID AND BillPaymentCheck.TxnNumber = BillPaymentCheckLine.TxnNumber AND ((BillPaymentCheckLine.BankAccountRefFullName Like 'citizens%'))

I updated my operating system with MS update since I used this last but don't know of any other changes.  Any idea what happened or how to fix?  Many thanks!


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-03-05 07:55:15

The first problem is in: AND ((BillPaymentCheckLine.BankAccountRefFullName Like 'citizens%')), this will cause a full table scan on each pass to find the BillPaymentCheckLine rows. This should hardcoded something like this: AND ((BillPaymentCheckLine.BankAccountRefFullName = 'citizens bank acount')) or if you need to use muliple accounts: 

AND ( BillPaymentCheckLine.BankAccountRefFullName = 'citizens one account'  
or  BillPaymentCheckLine.BankAccountRefFullName = 'citizens two account'  )

The second problem is that your filter is on BillPaymentCheckLine, so it really should by the (first) primary table called in the query, like this instead:

FROM BillPaymentCheckLine BillPaymentCheckLine, BillPaymentCheck BillPaymentCheck, BillExpenseLine BillExpenseLine

and then the last join should reversed from: AND BillPaymentCheck.TxnNumber = BillPaymentCheckLine.TxnNumber to AND BillPaymentCheckLine.TxnNumber = BillPaymentCheck.TxnNumber



 Group: Members 
 Posts: 3 
 Joined: 2006-10-12 
 Posted : 2008-03-05 07:56:13
I think I got this myself after reading other posts.  I modified the optimizer settings and the query is working well for me again.  Thanks! 

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