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Forum : Access 2003 and QODBC - Finding invoice numbers in InvoiceLine table after using an append querySearch Forum

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 Access 2003 and QODBC - Finding invoice numbers in InvoiceLine table after using an append query 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 1 
 Joined: 2006-11-01 
 Posted : 2006-11-01 01:06:51

I'm using QODBC version 199, Quickbooks Pro 2005 and Access 2003.  I have successfully inserted data into InvoiceLine using an Append query.  I just need to retrieve those invoice numbers created by QB (to be placed back into my Access databse).  I am allowing Quickbooks to provide the invoice number (Refnumber) as it has for thousands of previous invoices within QB.  Is there any way to find these numbers after the append query ? "Splastinsertid" only gives you the very last invoice number.  Or do I have to insert each invoice 1 at a time and then retrieve the number using "Splastinsertid"?  I have tried using a DLookup (searching for the InvoiceLineAmt and InvoiceLineDesc for each record in need of an invoice #), but it has provided incorrect or incomplete results each time i've tried to use it.  I have even created a separate query from which to search on that includes only the invoices from InvoiceLine that were created on that same day (which should make the search much simpler and quicker).

I have created a work-around, but this involves using the Memo field temporarily to insert the Primary id# from my original Access table along with each Draw # (since we invoice the customer separately for each job and draw # that we have). I can then obtain the invoice number using DLookup because criteria is much simpler. 

Is this the proper way to do this?


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-11-01 09:06:12

Actually you simply query the Invoice table. For example if I just created 10 new invoices, I can do:

SELECT TOP 10 TxnID, RefNumber, Memo FROM Invoice order by TIMECREATED desc

to get the Transaction ID, Invoice Number and memo to match it to your Primary id#



 Group: Members 
 Posts: 24 
 Joined: 2007-04-03 
 Posted : 2007-05-07 04:54:30

I was struggling with this today. 

In Access, I can't get  SELECT TOP to work with anything other  than a 1.

 I get a message saying 'expected number or parameters 1' , 

The following works and returns all the individual invoicelinetxnlindid that were just created for the the customer's most recent invoice.

SELECT TOP 1  InvoiceLineTxnLineID, TxnID, timecreated, CustomerRefFullName, InvoiceLineItemRefFullName, InvoiceLineQuantity
WHERE (CustomerRefFullName='Aunt Mid Produce Co.')
ORDER BY timecreated DESC;

If for example, I put a 3 in instead of the 1 ... it depends on where I do it...

If I do it in the Access design grid it works fine ( in my case 3 was the # of lines)

But if I do it from VB code module  I would get an error about parameters expected being 1

Anyone want to enlighten me on this?  Am I missing something?



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-05-07 08:23:13

Your syntax has an error, it should be:

SELECT TOP 1  InvoiceLineTxnLineID, TxnID, timecreated, CustomerRefFullName, InvoiceLineItemRefFullName, InvoiceLineQuantity
WHERE (CustomerRefFullName='Aunt Mid Produce Co.')
ORDER BY timecreated DESC;

but if you reconfigure the QODBC optimizer, by checking "Optimize data after an Insert or Update", you don't need to use the UNOPTIMIZED tag:

SELECT TOP 10  InvoiceLineTxnLineID, TxnID, timecreated, CustomerRefFullName, InvoiceLineItemRefFullName, InvoiceLineQuantity
FROM InvoiceLine
WHERE (CustomerRefFullName='Aunt Mid Produce Co.')
ORDER BY timecreated DESC;


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