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Forum : Slow Query Processing using QODBCSearch Forum

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 Slow Query Processing using QODBC 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 24 
 Joined: 2006-04-04 
 Posted : 2008-08-26 23:45:17

Hi All, 

 I have Access application which uses pass through query as shown below.

SELECT  SalesOrderLine.SalesOrderLineItemRefFullName AS Item, SalesOrderLine.CustomFieldSalesOrderLineDATEDUE AS DueDate, SalesOrderLine.SalesOrderLineQuantity-SalesOrderLine.SalesOrderLineInvoiced AS QuantityDue, SalesOrderLine.RefNumber AS OrderNumber, SalesOrderLine.CustomerRefFullName AS Customer, SalesOrderLine.PONumber, ItemInventory.QuantityOnHand AS IOnHand FROM {IJ SalesOrderLine UNOPTIMIZED INNER JOIN ItemInventory UNOPTIMIZED On SalesOrderLine.SalesOrderLineItemRefFullName=ItemInventory.FullName}  WHERE (SalesOrderLine.CustomFieldSalesOrderLineDATEDUE <= {fn CONVERT( ({fn TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,14,{fn CURDATE()} )}),SQL_VARCHAR)}) OR (SalesOrderLine.CustomFieldSalesOrderLineDATEDUE is Null)

When we run above query it took around 6 minutes to run the equerry; “SalesOrderLine” table has just 750 records. If we run this query in optimized mode query shows “CustomFieldSalesOrderLineDATEDUE” as blank as this is custom field. Also optimized mode query took around same time as in unoptimized mode. We set “Use Optimizer” on and “start of every new connection (with Load Updated Data first)” was selected.  

We would really appreciate any suggestions to improve the speed of the query.





















 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-08-27 08:30:25

The use of {fn CONVERT( ({fn TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,14,{fn CURDATE()} )}),SQL_VARCHAR)}) causes the where statement to be evaluated and a full table scan to run slowing the query. This is due to a cast error bug within QODBC, the value needs to be absolute.

See: Updating data in Crystal Reports - optimization settings?  for more background on this.


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