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Forum : I can't see data in any of my files?Search Forum

Forum Home > FlexODBC - ODBC Driver for DataFlex Embedded DBMS > FlexODBC Frequently Asked Questions

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 I can't see data in any of my files? 
 Author   Message 
 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-02-26 12:17:19
First, check that the driver itself is properly installed. During the install of the FlexODBC driver we created a test set of database files with a data source name of DataFlex Test32. Start up our VBDEMO application from the menu and choose Connections/Add New Connection. An ODBC dialog will start up offering you various data source names. Double click on DataFlex Test32. Press the Tables button, you should see some table names in the grid. Now click Query and you should see standard DataFlex error messages from the FLEXERRS file. If you see this data your driver is properly installed.

If you still have a problem, it could be with your data source. Check the DFPATH setting in the driver setup screen in the Windows Control Panel, and make sure it points to a valid directory name which point to the following files in the DataFlex system: *.CFG *.DAT *.K* *.TAG.

The path should not be a relative path (starting with the current directory), but a full directory path to the subdirectory required. No period (.) characters should be used in the path. The reason for this is that you are running an application (Word, Excel) from it's own directory, not from your DataFlex directory, so relative paths do not work. One work-around, if you cannot change your FILELIST, is to set the starting directory of the application to your DataFlex directory, this will force it to work, but may affect other add-on programs.

Reindex the file to test it for integrity with DFINDEX.EXE or DFSORT.EXE, or use the reindexing options under the DataFlex Support section of the manual.

Check the filename.TAG file and make sure it does not include any "binary" characters such as end-of-file or line feed characters, especially at the end of the file.

Make sure the TAG is in the same subdirectory as the DAT file. This is a limitation of the DataFlex API tool we use to read DataFlex files.

If field names in the designated data file contain "_" or "@" or "#" characters, this causes problems for some applications which assign these characters special meaning. Change the field names in the filename.TAG file or make a new set of modified TAG files for FlexODBC and point your DFPATH to this directory first.

Some foreign countries use a comma as a decimal separator rather than a period. Some development environments cannot open files where this is the case. Try setting it to the USA settings in the control panel and try it again. Also try the decimal settings in our setup screen. This is a problem with the tool you are using, so you need an appropriate country specific version of your tool to change this back.

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