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Forum : FlexODBC Frequently Asked QuestionsSearch Forum

Forum Home > FlexODBC - ODBC Driver for DataFlex Embedded DBMS > FlexODBC Frequently Asked Questions

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Normal   What is system error 998 using DataFlex Driver...? 
Byron 3 273  2007-10-19 07:36:51 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   I can't Deactivate FlexODBC? 
Alvaro Pérez 1 553  2006-04-12 08:19:59 
 Post by : Tom
Announcements   How do I login into the Helpdesk forum? I keep getting "Invalid login" errors? 
Tom 0 247  2006-03-31 17:04:08 
 Post by : Tom
Announcements   How can I get the latest version of FlexODBC? 
Tom 0 408  2006-02-26 13:09:47 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Citrix Metaframe X FlexODBC 
Flavio 1 101  2008-09-18 07:49:22 
 Post by : Tom
Normal Insert Customer Code 
GeraldHendrix 2 185  2008-06-12 00:16:09 
 Post by : GeraldHendrix
Normal   More than one connection at a time? 
Chen 1 243  2007-12-15 08:13:28 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   FLEXODBC Version 2.0.25 works well with PowerBuilder 7.0. However Version 4.00.24 of FLEXODBC seems 
Krishna 2 263  2007-12-14 08:03:39 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Is FlexODBC suported on Thin Client? 
americo 1 275  2007-09-07 09:25:08 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How to delete records from DataFlex table? 
jambai 5 361  2007-08-18 14:19:08 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Do you have any sample code for VB.NET and FlexODBC? 
Tom 0 447  2006-08-18 08:28:57 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How do I build a connection string using FlexODBC? 
Tom 0 872  2006-04-13 14:11:25 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How does a 5 seat license work? 
Tom 1 501  2006-03-08 14:00:21 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Why do I get: "[FlexODBC][FLEXERR] Can't update Record 0 of data file" errors? 
Tom 0 307  2006-03-07 13:05:32 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How do I use FlexODBC Security? 
Tom 0 375  2006-02-26 13:17:43 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How can I keep up with the latest news on FlexODBC? 
Tom 0 240  2006-02-26 13:07:59 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How do I use FlexODBC over the Internet? 
Tom 0 534  2006-02-26 13:06:42 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   When I try to edit a record in Access 2000, I'm told the record has been changed by another user? 
Tom 0 268  2006-02-26 13:04:29 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   In my 4 user version of FlexODBC v3.x I sometimes get "User Count Exceeded" messages? 
Tom 0 283  2006-02-26 13:03:43 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   I'm having problems opening files in two directories using two FILELIST.CFG files? 
Tom 0 364  2006-02-26 13:00:46 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How can I format DataFlex data as it appears in Microsoft Word? 
Tom 0 267  2006-02-26 12:59:21 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   I have executed a query in Access and it seems like the system is just hanging up? 
Tom 0 339  2006-02-26 12:58:15 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   I can run the first session of Access/Delphi fine, but the second time produces an ISAM error? 
Tom 0 280  2006-02-26 12:57:22 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Microsoft Access gives me the error "Record too large" on certain files, why? 
Tom 0 265  2006-02-26 12:56:34 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   MS Access will open files fine but when I re-open them I get an error saying they can't be opened? 
Tom 0 284  2006-02-26 12:53:07 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Why does Access say there are only 101 DataFlex records in the file, I know there are more? 
Tom 0 266  2006-02-26 12:51:44 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Why is the FlexODBC driver so slow? 
Tom 0 568  2006-02-26 12:50:34 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Why do I get "Invalid Connection String" or other errors from Microsoft Word? 
Tom 0 299  2006-02-26 12:48:55 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   I can't find the DataFlex driver from Microsoft Office 2000 Word or Excel? 
Tom 0 254  2006-02-26 12:47:39 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   I need the Swedish, German or another non-english collating sequence for files? 
Tom 0 223  2006-02-26 12:44:47 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Please explain how FlexODBC does multi-user operations? 
Tom 0 320  2006-02-26 12:42:04 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Is there a way to filter out certain confidential databases so they cannot be selected? 
Tom 0 244  2006-02-26 12:41:22 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   What is FILELIST.CFG and how do I change it? 
Tom 0 397  2006-02-26 12:40:26 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   We get an error that FILELIST.CFG cannot be found? 
Tom 0 344  2006-02-26 12:39:04 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   I get the message "cannot open collate.cfg file or collate.cfg not found"? 
Tom 0 367  2006-02-26 12:38:18 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   My application requires certain functions (create table) that give me a syntax error in your driver? 
Tom 0 292  2006-02-26 12:36:37 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   I get a Syntax Error message or Lexical Element error and can't find the problem? 
Tom 0 348  2006-02-26 12:35:39 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   I can read a file, but I get errors when I try to edit/delete/create records? 
Tom 0 305  2006-02-26 12:18:39 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   I can't see data in any of my files? 
Tom 0 271  2006-02-26 12:17:19 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Dates from my file return in a format different than what I want? 
Tom 0 275  2006-02-26 12:15:38 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   There is a setting for the digits of years (4 or 2 digit) in your setup screen. I have both? 
Tom 0 223  2006-02-26 12:13:49 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   I can't find by an index using an ASCII field, numeric types work OK? 
Tom 0 266  2006-02-26 12:13:00 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   My registration code has a serial number, but there is no place to enter it? 
Tom 0 260  2006-02-26 12:11:08 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   There is no data source for DataFlex in my control panel ODBC option after I install? 
Tom 0 268  2006-02-26 12:09:30 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Can I use the FlexODBC driver on UNIX/Linux? 
Tom 0 380  2006-02-26 12:08:16 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   What is the difference between your ODBC driver and the DataFlex Connectivity Kit for ODBC? 
Tom 0 399  2006-02-26 12:07:07 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How do I optimize Microsoft Access when using FlexODBC data sources? 
Tom 0 450  2006-02-26 12:05:19 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Can I use FlexODBC v3.x on Terminal Server? 
Tom 0 397  2006-02-26 12:03:53 
 Post by : Tom
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