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Forum : FQSaveToCache Deposit & DepositLineSearch Forum

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 FQSaveToCache Deposit & DepositLine 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 6 
 Joined: 2008-05-27 
 Posted : 2008-10-01 07:08:19

hello, I run the following commands to create a deposit using QODBC (latest server edition) working with QB 2008 Canadian Edition.

However, it returns no "result rows" as I paste each line succesively into the VB DEMO and when I check quickbooks my QB application after the final deposit insert is executed I can find no reference to the deposite ... its as though it disappeared.

Help and thanks ....




 insert into DepositLine (DepositLineCheckNumber, DepositLinePaymentMethodRefListID, DepositToAccountRefListID, DepositLineMemo, DepositLineAmount, DepositLineEntityRefListID, FQSaveToCache) values ('cheque?', '20000-1168461108', '350001-1168461468', '202084', 111.87,  '6B0000-1182893776' , 1)

 insert into DepositLine (DepositLineCheckNumber, DepositLinePaymentMethodRefListID, DepositToAccountRefListID, DepositLineMemo, DepositLineAmount, DepositLineEntityRefListID, FQSaveToCache) values ('unknown', '20000-1168461108', '350001-1168461468', '201987', 111.87,  '780000-1193060728' , 1)

 insert into DepositLine (DepositLineCheckNumber, DepositLinePaymentMethodRefListID, DepositToAccountRefListID, DepositLineMemo, DepositLineAmount, DepositLineEntityRefListID, FQSaveToCache) values ('cheque?', '20000-1168461108', '350001-1168461468', '201915', 4520,  '230000-1176165344' , 1)

 insert into DepositLine (DepositLineCheckNumber, DepositLinePaymentMethodRefListID, DepositToAccountRefListID, DepositLineMemo, DepositLineAmount, DepositLineEntityRefListID, FQSaveToCache) values ('cheque?', '20000-1168461108', '350001-1168461468', '201831', 111.87,  'BD0000-1199977799' , 1)

 insert into deposit (DepositToAccountRefListID, TxnDate, Memo) values ('350001-1168461468', {d'2008-06-29'},  '100' )


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-10-01 14:22:22

You need to using the QODBC v9 Release Candidate with the Canadian version of QuickBooks 2008, see: Release Fixes (Release Candidate) 

Check the QODBC and SDK Message Log in the QODBC Setup Screen in case the inserts had errors.

Make sure the transaction is written or not by reading directly out of QuickBooks using the UNOPTIMIZED or CALLDIRECT tag:

SELECT * from DepositLine UNOPTIMIZED where DepositLineCheckNumber='1234'



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