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Forum : Extremely slow ODBC Select querySearch Forum

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 Extremely slow ODBC Select query 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 2 
 Joined: 2008-07-25 
 Posted : 2008-07-25 03:42:46

Can someone please tell me if this is normal times.

Quickbooks enterprise 10 user

QBW file is 885 MB on a mapped network drive. Using the VB Demo

if I setup to not optimize this simple select statement

SELECT SalesReceipt.RefNumber, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr1, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr3, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr2, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr4, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr5, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressCity, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressState, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressPostalCode
FROM SalesReceipt  WHERE SalesReceipt.RefNumber='32736'

Takes 10 - 13 seconds to return the record.


tuned on the show optimize panel it ran for over 45 minutes and it never moved from 0 and the opt file size never changed.

this is after runing a data verify and replacing the OPT file with a new one.

I am trying to pull data for shipping but this obviously is taking too long.

i have the latest version of QODBC also.

Is this normal? or am I going about it the wrong way?



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-07-25 07:52:33
Change your optimization settings to use the The start of every new connection (with "Load Updated Data" first) option and confirm that the Multi-Table Sync option has been disabled. If not, uncheck the Multi-Table Sync option as this is often defaulted on (checked) with QuickBooks Enterprise and the QODBC Enterprise Desktop Edition.

Once this has been done, reset the opt file as per How do I switch OFF or RESET the QODBC optimizer? Re-run the query and the QODBC optimizer will automatically build a SQLite Server mirror image of the Sales Receipt table. But you will need to let it finish doing the operation which may take a like time depending on the number of Sales Receipts you have.

For the complete details of all the QODBC optimizer settings, see: How do I setup the QODBC Optimizer? Where are the Optimizer options? 


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 2 
 Joined: 2008-07-25 
 Posted : 2008-07-25 22:12:18

I did this, the table has 107,000 records in it, would it be normal for it to run more than an hour and not have processed the first record?



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-07-26 06:25:46

The first query will have to optimze the 107,000 records. Once that's done it will be faster. Then historical data can be retrieved directly from the optimized table like this:

SELECT SalesReceipt.RefNumber, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr1, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr3, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr2, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr4, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr5, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressCity, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressState, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressPostalCode
FROM SalesReceipt  NOSYNC WHERE SalesReceipt.RefNumber='32736'

If it's a new Sales Receipt you can still call QuickBooks directly and bypass update optimization by doing:

SELECT SalesReceipt.RefNumber, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr1, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr3, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr2, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr4, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressAddr5, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressCity, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressState, SalesReceipt.ShipAddressPostalCode
FROM SalesReceipt  CALLDIRECT WHERE SalesReceipt.RefNumber='32736'


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