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Forum : Understanding NOSYNCSearch Forum

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 Understanding NOSYNC 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 41 
 Joined: 2007-02-02 
 Posted : 2008-11-07 05:26:35

Reading many other posts, my understanding is that when you set the Optimizer settings to keep optmiized data up to date as of the start of every query, if you have a good base .OPT file, it should do the work for you of keeping up the Optimizer where needed.

I tested this with

SELECT sum(amountdue) from bill where vendorreffullname like 'L%' and ispaid = false

made a change to one record in the SELECT results in Qbooks

Re-connected with VBdemo, and ran it again, seeing the change.  I assume at that point it updated the .OPT table.

Then I repeat the query with NOSYNC:

SELECT sum(amountdue) from bill NOSYNC where vendorreffullname like 'L%' and ispaid = false

The change is not reflected.  Further, when I list the records with

SELECT vendorrefullname, amountdue from bill NOSYNC where vendorreffullname like 'L%' and ispaid = false

It lists the name, but the amount field is blank.

This isn't what I expected.  I thought the optimizer was updated with the unqualified SELECT, so subsequent NOSYNC selects would include the most recent data.

SP_OptimizeUpdateSync does solve the problem, so I guess it's best to put that in your code if you are wishing the query speed of NOSYNC?

Where is it better to use the VERIFY keyword.  I've seen that in one of your posts, but don't know when it should be used?

What concept am I missing?

Thank you.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-11-07 08:27:36

Due to poor desing by Intuit, QuickBooks doesn't modify the timestamp when a number of opertations are done. So it's impossible for the QODBC optimizer to detect certain changes. See the unofficial list of columns/fields affected by Dirty Reads in: How do I setup the QODBC Optimizer? Where are the Optimizer options? 


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