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Forum : No data returned using optimizer with QuickBooks 2008 Canadian EditionSearch Forum

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 No data returned using optimizer with QuickBooks 2008 Canadian Edition 
 Author   Message 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2008-04-29 
 Posted : 2008-04-29 04:43:58

I've been trying to configure QODBC for several days now with limited success.

I have followed the instructions in every thread that seemed relevant, and I am still unable to access data while the optimizer is enabled.

I've already read  How can I see QuickBooks data in a Internet Explorer Browser using Windows XP?How do I do INSERTs, UPDATEs and DELETEs using OPENQUERY with Linked MS SQL Servers?, and Does QODBC work with MS SQL Server 2005 Linked Tables?.

When I run the DCOM test script in SQL Server, all 5 tests pass.

If the optimizer is turned off, this query returns results: SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(QODBC,'SELECT * FROM Account ')

When the optimizer is enabled, and there is an optimizer file, the same query returns headings but no rows.

Running this query SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(QODBC,'SELECT * FROM Account Unoptimized') while the optimizer is enabled returns the rows.

When I try to run this query: SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(QODBC,'sp_optimizefullsync Account')  I get this error:

Msg 7357, Level 16, State 2, Line 7
Cannot process the object "sp_optimizefullsync Account". The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "QODBC" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions on that object.

If I turn the optimizer on, then set it to optimize "the last time I pressed one of the load data buttons", I can access data using SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(QODBC,'SELECT * FROM Customer ') for a while.  After a few minutes, data stops being returned.

The VB Demo is able to access data regardless of the optimizer setting.

The SDK Messages when retrieving data doesn't work looks like:

20080428.142908    I    5992    RequestProcessor    ========= Started Connection =========
20080428.142908    I    5992    RequestProcessor    Request Processor, QBXMLRP2 v7.0
20080428.142908    I    5992    RequestProcessor    Connection opened by app named 'FLEXquarters QODBC'
20080428.142908    I    5992    CertVerifier    The Authenticode signature validated OK.
20080428.142910    I    5992    RequestProcessor    Opening the file in the DoNotCare mode.
20080428.142914    I    5064    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 5992).
20080428.142914    I    5064    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080428.142914    I    5064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Host
20080428.142914    I    5064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080428.142914    I    5064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Company
20080428.142914    I    5064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 2 completed successfully.
20080428.142914    I    5064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: DataExtension Definition
20080428.142914    I    5064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 3 completed successfully.
20080428.142914    I    5064    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080428.142914    I    5064    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 5992), ret = 0.
20080428.142915    I    5064    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 5992).
20080428.142915    I    5064    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080428.142915    I    5064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Customer Job
20080428.142915    I    5064    CustomerStorage::DoQuery    Returning no more than 00000500 objects
20080428.142915    I    5064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080428.142915    I    5064    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080428.142915    I    5064    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 5992), ret = 0.
20080428.143018    I    5992    RequestProcessor    "EndSession" has not been called.
20080428.143019    I    5992    RequestProcessor    "CloseConnection" has not been called.

And when it is working (through the VB Demo) it looks like this:

20080428.143021    I    5992    RequestProcessor    ========= Started Connection =========
20080428.143021    I    5992    RequestProcessor    Request Processor, QBXMLRP2 v7.0
20080428.143021    I    5992    RequestProcessor    Connection opened by app named 'FLEXquarters QODBC'
20080428.143021    I    5992    CertVerifier    The Authenticode signature validated OK.
20080428.143023    I    5992    RequestProcessor    Opening the file in the DoNotCare mode.
20080428.143027    I    4480    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 5992).
20080428.143027    I    4480    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080428.143027    I    4480    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Host
20080428.143027    I    4480    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080428.143027    I    4480    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Company
20080428.143027    I    4480    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 2 completed successfully.
20080428.143027    I    4480    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: DataExtension Definition
20080428.143027    I    4480    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 3 completed successfully.
20080428.143027    I    4480    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080428.143027    I    4480    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 5992), ret = 0.
20080428.143030    I    4480    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 5992).
20080428.143030    I    4480    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080428.143030    I    4480    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Customer Job
20080428.143030    I    4480    CustomerStorage::DoQuery    Returning no more than 00000500 objects
20080428.143030    I    4480    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080428.143030    I    4480    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080428.143030    I    4480    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 5992), ret = 0.
20080428.143037    I    5992    RequestProcessor    Connection closed by app named 'FLEXquarters QODBC'
20080428.143037    I    5992    RequestProcessor    ========== Ended Connection ==========

The only difference I see is:

20080428.143018    I    5992    RequestProcessor    "EndSession" has not been called.
20080428.143019    I    5992    RequestProcessor    "CloseConnection" has not been called.


20080428.143037    I    5992    RequestProcessor    Connection closed by app named 'FLEXquarters QODBC'

I have a trace log, but it's 100s of pages long.

Please let me know other steps I can take to get the optimized quickbooks data to appear as a linked server.



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-04-29 08:09:28
See: MS SQL Server 2000 Linked Server issue using the QODBC optimizer  

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2008-04-29 
 Posted : 2008-04-29 22:20:48
Hi Tom,

I've already attempted the soltuion in MS SQL Server 2000 Linked Server issue using the QODBC optimizer  to no avail.

When I try to run this query: SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(QODBC, 'SELECT * FROM Invoice VERIFY WHERE TxnID = "x"')

I get the following error:

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 7
The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "QODBC" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7321, Level 16, State 2, Line 7
An error occurred while preparing the query "SELECT * FROM Invoice VERIFY WHERE TxnID = "x"" for execution against OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "QODBC".

I rebuilt the entire 118 meg .OPT file last night, and tried the query again this morning.  Same thing.

The way I rebuild the OPT file is as follows:

1) Disable Optimizer, drop linked table, wait 5 minutes.
2) Delete OPT file.
3) Open data sources from control panel. Open system DSN. Turn optimizer back on and click "Reload All Data". Let it run overnight.

When I came in this morning, I copied the OPT file (so I now have [name].OPT and 'copy of [name].opt' in the same folder).  I plan to copy and rename this copy from now on, rather than rebuilding.

The first thing I did after copying the optimizer file is run a query.  No results.  Ran it unoptimized, got results.

I tried the first query in the VB demo and the optimizer worked / returned data quickly. I tried it on the invoices table as well.

I am running Windows Server 2003 SBS edition with Canadian QuickBooks 2008 Premier (non-multi currency edition) installed.

I am trying to use QODBC as a linked server in Management Studio Express for an SQL Express 2005 database.

I am attaching pictures of all the settings.  Any additional guidance would be much appreciated.



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-04-30 08:15:29

Delete or rename the opt file used by your linked server and then try running:




 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2008-04-29 
 Posted : 2008-04-30 08:20:31

I got headings and no results again.

First run took considerably longer than the second.

There is now a 204 KB OPT file


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-04-30 08:24:28



and wait for the whole query to be returned before doing:





 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2008-04-29 
 Posted : 2008-04-30 08:53:54
First I tried calling 4 queries.  That didn't work.

Then I deleted the OPT file, ran the verify query, then ran the "SELECT * FROM Customr" query and got no results.

The verify query took 17 seconds, the other query took 6.

I ran the verify query again, then ran the calldirect query.  It took 17 seconds for the verify query, and 8 seconds to return results.

"CALLDIRECT | UNOPTIMIZED - Passthru query directly to QuickBooks - use no optimizations" call direct and unoptimized do the same thing, bypass the optimizer, which is what seems to cause the problem.

Any idea why the verify query takes twice as long as a direct call, or why the optimizer wont return any rows to the sql server? 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-04-30 09:22:06
Please turn off the trace log and make sure the verify query has TOTALLY completed before commencing another query (or query thread)! The optimizer is single user/thread only when building optimized tables. The VERIFY tag does a complete rebuild of the optimized table and then executes the query. 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2008-04-29 
 Posted : 2008-04-30 09:45:12
I turned the trace log off and deleted the OPT file.


It took 16 seconds and returned results.  This was with the optimizer turned off.

I ran the same query with the optimizer on, and got no results.  I did get an OPT file. It took 16 seconds.

I ran it again. It took 10 seconds this time. Once again, it returned no results.

I ran it without the VERIFY. It look less than a second, but returned no results. I did it several more times. Still no results.

I then deleted the OPT file.

I called it with UNOPTIMIZED. It took 8 seconds and returned results.

I called it with CALLDIRECT. It took 8 seconds and returned results.

I then called it with VERIFY. It took 10 seconds and returned no results.

I called it without VERIFY. It returned no results instantly (still returning headers though).

I re-verified, then ran the query with CALLDIRECT again.  It took 15 seconds and returned results (Why does call direct take wtice as long when there is an OPT file for the table?).

I ran the CALLDIRECT query again, and it only take 8 seconds.

What should I try next?


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-04-30 10:26:13
The VERIFY rebuild of the optimization table doesn't work correctly unless the optimizer is on. I would guess you are also corrupting your opt file, check the QODBC Message log in the Messages tab of the QODBC Setup Screen for optimizer errors. 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2008-04-29 
 Posted : 2008-04-30 22:16:01
The QODBC Message log is empty.

The trace log was off.

I'm including a sample of the SDK messages.

Any idea what I can do to get this working?  All I really need to do is dump the quickbooks data to a SQL server database, and insert transactions in to QuickBooks.  If I can't use the optimizer to do this, I won't be able to update the database version on a daily basis (at least, not without writing stored procedures to only pull data that has been updated since the last read -- essentially creating a SQL server version of the optimizer.)

Are you aware of any workarounds for my situation?

Thanks for your assistance,


20080429.195833    I    4992    RequestProcessor    ========= Started Connection =========
20080429.195833    I    4992    RequestProcessor    Request Processor, QBXMLRP2 v7.0
20080429.195833    I    4992    RequestProcessor    Connection opened by app named 'FLEXquarters QODBC'
20080429.195833    I    4992    CertVerifier    The Authenticode signature validated OK.
20080429.195836    I    4992    RequestProcessor    Opening the file in the DoNotCare mode.
20080429.195840    I    2064    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 4992).
20080429.195840    I    2064    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080429.195840    I    2064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Host
20080429.195840    I    2064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080429.195840    I    2064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Company
20080429.195840    I    2064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 2 completed successfully.
20080429.195840    I    2064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: DataExtension Definition
20080429.195840    I    2064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 3 completed successfully.
20080429.195840    I    2064    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080429.195840    I    2064    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 4992), ret = 0.
20080429.195840    I    2064    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 4992).
20080429.195841    I    2064    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080429.195841    I    2064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Customer Job
20080429.195841    I    2064    CustomerStorage::DoQuery    Returning no more than 00000500 objects
20080429.195841    I    2064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080429.195841    I    2064    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080429.195841    I    2064    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 4992), ret = 0.
20080429.200025    I    2064    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 4992).
20080429.200025    E    2064    TagDefs    Lookup: looking for CurrencyRef, but not found!
20080429.200025    W    2064    QBNCustomerQueryRq::AddIncludeRetElement    IncludeRetElement specified unknown tag 'CurrencyRef'.
20080429.200025    E    2064    TagDefs    Lookup: looking for IsUsingCustomerTaxCode, but not found!
20080429.200025    W    2064    QBNCustomerQueryRq::AddIncludeRetElement    IncludeRetElement specified unknown tag 'IsUsingCustomerTaxCode'.
20080429.200025    I    2064    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080429.200025    I    2064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Customer Job
20080429.200025    I    2064    CustomerStorage::DoQuery    Returning no more than 00000500 objects
20080429.200028    I    2064    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080429.200028    I    2064    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080429.200028    I    2064    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 4992), ret = 0.
20080429.200140    I    4992    RequestProcessor    "EndSession" has not been called.
20080429.200141    I    4992    RequestProcessor    "CloseConnection" has not been called.

20080429.200158    I    6488    RequestProcessor    ========= Started Connection =========
20080429.200158    I    6488    RequestProcessor    Request Processor, QBXMLRP2 v7.0
20080429.200158    I    6488    RequestProcessor    Connection opened by app named 'FLEXquarters QODBC'
20080429.200158    I    6488    CertVerifier    The Authenticode signature validated OK.
20080429.200200    I    6488    RequestProcessor    Opening the file in the DoNotCare mode.
20080429.200204    I    6208    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 6488).
20080429.200204    I    6208    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080429.200204    I    6208    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Host
20080429.200204    I    6208    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080429.200204    I    6208    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Company
20080429.200204    I    6208    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 2 completed successfully.
20080429.200204    I    6208    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: DataExtension Definition
20080429.200204    I    6208    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 3 completed successfully.
20080429.200204    I    6208    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080429.200204    I    6208    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 6488), ret = 0.
20080429.200205    I    6208    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 6488).
20080429.200205    I    6208    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080429.200205    I    6208    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Customer Job
20080429.200205    I    6208    CustomerStorage::DoQuery    Returning no more than 00000500 objects
20080429.200205    I    6208    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080429.200205    I    6208    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080429.200205    I    6208    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 6488), ret = 0.
20080429.200311    I    6488    RequestProcessor    "EndSession" has not been called.
20080429.200312    I    6488    RequestProcessor    "CloseConnection" has not been called.

20080429.200826    I    7172    RequestProcessor    ========= Started Connection =========
20080429.200826    I    7172    RequestProcessor    Request Processor, QBXMLRP2 v7.0
20080429.200826    I    7172    RequestProcessor    Connection opened by app named 'FLEXquarters QODBC'
20080429.200826    I    7172    CertVerifier    The Authenticode signature validated OK.
20080429.200828    I    7172    RequestProcessor    Opening the file in the DoNotCare mode.
20080429.200832    I    3680    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 7172).
20080429.200832    I    3680    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080429.200832    I    3680    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Host
20080429.200832    I    3680    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080429.200832    I    3680    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Company
20080429.200832    I    3680    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 2 completed successfully.
20080429.200832    I    3680    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: DataExtension Definition
20080429.200832    I    3680    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 3 completed successfully.
20080429.200832    I    3680    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080429.200832    I    3680    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 7172), ret = 0.
20080429.200832    I    3680    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 7172).
20080429.200833    I    3680    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080429.200833    I    3680    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Customer Job
20080429.200833    I    3680    CustomerStorage::DoQuery    Returning no more than 00000500 objects
20080429.200833    I    3680    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080429.200833    I    3680    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080429.200833    I    3680    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 7172), ret = 0.
20080429.201012    I    7172    RequestProcessor    "EndSession" has not been called.
20080429.201013    I    7172    RequestProcessor    "CloseConnection" has not been called. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-05-01 07:42:30
By the looks of things the CurrencyRef and IsUsingCustomerTaxCode errors means that the optimized table for CUSTOMER isn't being built correctly. Please confirm exactly what version of QuickBooks you are using? By this I mean country, edition type and update revision (do Ctrl-1 while QuickBooks is running to see what your latest update is). 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2008-04-29 
 Posted : 2008-05-01 09:50:46
Canadian version


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-05-01 10:31:16

Please confirm that you are your running QuickBooks 2008 Canadian Premier Contractor Edition?


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2008-04-29 
 Posted : 2008-05-01 13:03:47
That is correct. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-05-01 14:28:18
I have requested the QODBC Software Engineer to review your errors under QSupport Ticket ID: BR00000085. I don't have a time frame on when I will receive a response. In the meantime you will need to use the customer table unoptimized because if there is an internal error optimizing a table the optimized table is deleted rather than displaying corrupted data. 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2008-04-29 
 Posted : 2008-05-02 09:26:18
I ran some tests on the HOST table, which has no errors.  The optimizer still doesn't return results.


gives no results and SDK messages:

20080501.190636    I    1236    RequestProcessor    ========= Started Connection =========
20080501.190636    I    1236    RequestProcessor    Request Processor, QBXMLRP2 v7.0
20080501.190636    I    1236    RequestProcessor    Connection opened by app named 'FLEXquarters QODBC'
20080501.190637    I    1236    CertVerifier    The Authenticode signature validated OK.
20080501.190639    I    1236    RequestProcessor    Opening the file in the DoNotCare mode.
20080501.190643    I    5132    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 1236).
20080501.190643    I    5132    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080501.190643    I    5132    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Host
20080501.190643    I    5132    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080501.190643    I    5132    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Company
20080501.190643    I    5132    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 2 completed successfully.
20080501.190643    I    5132    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: DataExtension Definition
20080501.190643    I    5132    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 3 completed successfully.
20080501.190643    I    5132    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080501.190643    I    5132    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 1236), ret = 0.
20080501.190643    I    5132    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 1236).
20080501.190643    I    5132    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080501.190643    I    5132    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Host
20080501.190643    I    5132    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080501.190643    I    5132    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080501.190643    I    5132    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 1236), ret = 0.


gives no results and SDK messages:

20080501.190926    I    4180    RequestProcessor    ========= Started Connection =========
20080501.190926    I    4180    RequestProcessor    Request Processor, QBXMLRP2 v7.0
20080501.190926    I    4180    RequestProcessor    Connection opened by app named 'FLEXquarters QODBC'
20080501.190926    I    4180    CertVerifier    The Authenticode signature validated OK.
20080501.190929    I    4180    RequestProcessor    Opening the file in the DoNotCare mode.
20080501.190933    I    5924    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 4180).
20080501.190933    I    5924    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080501.190933    I    5924    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Host
20080501.190933    I    5924    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080501.190933    I    5924    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Company
20080501.190933    I    5924    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 2 completed successfully.
20080501.190933    I    5924    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: DataExtension Definition
20080501.190933    I    5924    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 3 completed successfully.
20080501.190933    I    5924    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080501.190933    I    5924    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 4180), ret = 0.
20080501.190933    I    5924    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 4180).
20080501.190933    I    5924    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080501.190933    I    5924    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Host
20080501.190933    I    5924    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080501.190933    I    5924    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080501.190933    I    5924    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 4180), ret = 0.
20080501.191034    I    4180    RequestProcessor    "EndSession" has not been called.
20080501.191035    I    4180    RequestProcessor    "CloseConnection" has not been called.



has a result and gives SDK messages:

20080501.191232    I    5172    RequestProcessor    ========= Started Connection =========
20080501.191232    I    5172    RequestProcessor    Request Processor, QBXMLRP2 v7.0
20080501.191232    I    5172    RequestProcessor    Connection opened by app named 'FLEXquarters QODBC'
20080501.191232    I    5172    CertVerifier    The Authenticode signature validated OK.
20080501.191235    I    5172    RequestProcessor    Opening the file in the DoNotCare mode.
20080501.191238    I    6072    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 5172).
20080501.191239    I    6072    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080501.191239    I    6072    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Host
20080501.191239    I    6072    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080501.191239    I    6072    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Company
20080501.191239    I    6072    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 2 completed successfully.
20080501.191239    I    6072    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: DataExtension Definition
20080501.191239    I    6072    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 3 completed successfully.
20080501.191239    I    6072    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080501.191239    I    6072    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 5172), ret = 0.
20080501.191239    I    6072    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 5172).
20080501.191239    I    6072    SpecVersion    Current version of qbXML in use: 6.0
20080501.191239    I    6072    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    QUERY: Host
20080501.191239    I    6072    QBSDKMsgSetHandler    Request 1 completed successfully.
20080501.191239    I    6072    MsgSetHandler    Finished.
20080501.191239    I    6072    QBSDKProcessRequest    Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' finishing requests (process 5172), ret = 0.

I got QODBC messages for a short period of time, then they stopped.

Several of these:

2008-05-01 19:01:54 QODBC Ver: *********************************************************************************************************************
IsAService: False
SQL Statement: select * from Customers
Invalid Table Name in Open Table. (Customers)-2

and these

2008-05-01 19:02:25 QODBC Ver: *********************************************************************************************************************
IsAService: False
Error Code: 1
SQLOptimize_ExecuteNonQuery step:

and these

2008-05-01 19:02:25 QODBC Ver: *********************************************************************************************************************
IsAService: False
Error Code: -1
SQLOptimize_SQLOpen attach:

The last errors were from 2008-05-01 19:02:25 (before I ran the queries mentioned at the begining.) 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-05-03 11:18:35
Thanks for the infomation, I've passed the new USA, CA, UK, AU field mappings of Intuit's qbSDK v6.1 to the programming team so they can fix the tags. As far as the optimizer issues are concerned, see the last post in: Slow performance, Domain Admin, Local Admin, SQL Admin privilege issues using SQL Server 2005 as it could still be a privileges issue. 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2008-04-29 
 Posted : 2008-06-02 22:45:40
Hi Tom,

I have everything more or less working now, but I have a question related to the new field mappings.

With the 2007 version of Canadian QuickBooks, I was able to retreive the GST and PST on an invoice using Tax1Total and Tax2Total.

Having upgraded to 2008 on my development server, I am no longer able to retreive these two fields.  Now, I get SalesTaxPercentage and SalesTaxTotal.

I retrieved one of the transactions entered with the 2007 version through 2008 to understand the differences.

On an invoice with a sub total of $3,111.80 there was $186.71 GST and $59.58 PST.

The GST was at 6% and applied to the entire sub total.  PST was 8% and applied to a single line item valued at $744.80.

SalesTaxPercentage had a value of 6 and SalesTaxTotal had a value of 246.29 (technically, this is wrong if you ask me).

With the 2008 version of Canadian QuickBooks, is it possible to retreive the GST and PST on an invoice seperately? Or do they have to be calculated using line items? 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-06-03 07:57:10
Sorry, I haven't seen a version of QODBC with the correct new field mappings to see what's happening at this stage. 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2008-04-29 
 Posted : 2008-06-03 08:05:56
No worries.

My application ignores taxes in every calculation (a job with 6% GST is no more or less profitable than one that had 6% GST and 8% PST), so I'll just create a "lumpSumTax" item to use in the mean time.

Can you please post a reply to this thread when updated mappings or additional information is available?


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-10-06 16:29:45
You now need to use QODBC v9 with Canadian versions of QuickBooks 2008 and 2009, see: QODBC Pre-release Candidate now avaliable for download  

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