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Forum : How do I login into the Helpdesk forum? I keep getting "Invalid login" errors?Search Forum

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 How do I login into the Helpdesk forum? I keep getting "Invalid login" errors? 
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 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-03-31 16:57:45
Note: We require that you "validate" your registration to ensure that the email address you entered was correct. This protects against unwanted spam and malicious abuse by someone else claiming to be you. You will need to click on the link to activate your QDeveloper Forum membership that is sent to you by email when you first sign up.

If you cannot validate your registration by clicking on the link, the email also contains a webpage to visit instead. The webpage will ask you for a Username, and your validation key. Please cut and paste, or type those numbers into the corresponding fields in the form.

If you still receive a Invalid login error message like this:-

even though you are using the correct username and password, or you can't stay logged in to post questions, you may have to "Always Allow" cookies in the "Per Site Privacy Actions" for the domain "" in your Privacy settings of Internet Explorer. In Internet Explorer, select Tools from the menu bar at the top and select "Internet Options" and click on the Privacy tabpage as shown here:

Click on the [ Sites ] button and "Always Allow" the domain

If you are unable to resolve this, the forum may also be accessed directly at:


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