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Forum : QB and Ibiz cannot get connection to workSearch Forum

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 QB and Ibiz cannot get connection to work 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 5 
 Joined: 2007-02-21 
 Posted : 2007-04-20 06:21:12

QB 2007 Pro, Windows Server 2003 Small Business, QB Server installation on the server, QODBC installed on server, IBiz remote connection started with default port and using id and password.  Client machine, no QB installed.  QODBC installed and configured to use the IBiz.  Asks for a password even though the password is correct.  User name and password are simply "a" and "a" without the quotes.  I also saw 10061 connection refused in the logs.  This should be a simple set up but it is not turning out that way.  I have read and printed the online documentation for this setup and followed it through numerous times.  Please advise. 


Michael D. Wissbaum 
 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-04-20 11:34:42

First time connections must always use the QuickBooks "admin" account. Once everything is working you can reconfigure QuicksBooks and QODBC to use the user account.

See: I do not want to install QuickBooks on every machine. How do I setup QODBC Remote? for more.


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