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Forum : Numerous issues, demo about to run outSearch Forum

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 Numerous issues, demo about to run out 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 3 
 Joined: 2008-01-07 
 Posted : 2008-01-07 02:14:35
Maybe you can help.  I have downloaded your software and been trying to use it with my QB data, but have run into numerous issues. 

My Setup: QB2006, QODBC v8 (read only, demo), WINXP

My issues:
  1. For simple queries in the demo app everything seems to work well (though often exceedingly slow -- I haven't played too much with the optimizer, so I don't include that as an issue yet).  However, when I use a SQL editor (like universal sql editor or DTM SQL editor) queries don't return any data.  Very odd.  Te exact same queries work fine in the VB Demo application.
  2. While I am able to access the database through Access and Startoffice's Base, even moderately complicated queries will cause the program to crash.
  3. Every time I try to create a new connection to the datasource, I get a message that the file needs to be in single user mode.  If I then try to create the connection again immediately (no other changes to the environment) it connects no problem.  This happens mostly in the ODBC sql editing programs that I mentioned above.  Somehow Access seems to keep the connection information across sessions.
I wonder, what SQL editors people are using and whether these problems are unusual.  I have tried uninstalling the demo and the sql editors and reinstalling them clean and have had no luck.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-01-08 13:15:38

Most of your problems are most likely caused by doing something like:

Select * from InvoiceLine

which will export every invoice line in your QuickBooks company file, when you should be doing:

Select * from InvoiceLine where RefNumber='the invoice number'

for the actual invoice you're interested in, or:

Select * from InvoiceLine where CustomerRefFullName='full company name'

for all invoices raised for that customer.

MS Access datasheets, smart SQL tools and grids tend to all call QODBC whenever you you scroll through each line. By default this will run a QODBC optimizer update. Change your QODBC optimzer update operation to: "The start of every new connection (with "Load Updated Data" first)" instead.

See: How do I setup the QODBC Optimizer? Where are the Optimizer options?  for more infomration.


 Group: Members 
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 Posted : 2008-01-08 14:27:48
Thanks for the reply.  That seems to be great advice if only the speed is an issue.  However, the query that you mention (Select * from invoiceline) actually completes and returns no lines.  It does return lines in Access or Base (though if I get complicated with multiple joins and subqueries it causes those DB programs to crash), but when I do it in a standalone SQL editor (such as Universal SQL Editor) it returns no lines.  To be clear: the query completes, but returns no data.  If I do Select Count(*) from customer, it returns a value of 0.

thanks again for your reply.  I look forward to buying and using your product.

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-01-08 15:21:00

Using the Universal SQL Editor, try:

Select Count(*) from customer unoptimized


Select * from InvoiceLine unoptimized





 Group: Members 
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 Posted : 2008-01-12 15:23:58

Thanks again.  I Apreciate your help.

Okay, USE (universal sql editor) won't accept "unoptimized" as an option.  It does accept NOSYNC, and I get the same problem (no data returned).  Status: VB Demo works, BASE and Access work (though they both crash if I start trying to get fancy).  I'm trying to find some way to create and edit sql statements where I won't lose them (from crashes) and they return the appropriate data.  The statements will be relatively complex, so the VB Demo won't work.  Any suggestions?  At this point, the driver is unusable for me, since I can't do this.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-01-12 23:51:22

Statements don't need to be complex, besides you are not dealing with a database here. What QODBC does is convert a SQL statement into a XML Request that's sent to the Intuit qbXML SDK and QuickBooks processes the request and a XML document returned that QODBC strips the tags from and returns just the data to you.

So a outer join over ten tables makes no sense ...... because there aren't ten tables, just one QuickBooks company file. QODBC provides a ODBC interface to QuickBooks and prehaps you need to view it for what it does. I've run thousands of test SQL statements that I tend to write up from scratch from all sort of stuff that gets posted here on the forum. An invalid statement will crash QODBC and leave the DLL in memory. After a crash, you must close the application you are using and re-establish a connection. Sometimes I've had to reboot my notebook. Crashing QODBC can corrupt the optimized file and overloading Intuit's qbXML SDK can damage a QuickBooks company file so it won't return data through the SDK interface.

So please make sure you have a backup of your company file. USE is not returning any data because the optimized .opt file is most likely corrupt. The QODBC optimizer is single user only. So you need to setup a different optimizer file location for different applications to use. To do this step up a seperate System DSN (see: How do I create or configure a QODBC DSN? ) and specify a fixed location of the optimizer database folder for each application to use (like: C:\Program Files\QODBC Driver for QuickBooks) instead of the default %UserProfile% method.


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