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Forum : I can't find the DataFlex driver from Microsoft Office 2000 Word or Excel?Search Forum

Forum Home > FlexODBC - ODBC Driver for DataFlex Embedded DBMS > FlexODBC Frequently Asked Questions

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 I can't find the DataFlex driver from Microsoft Office 2000 Word or Excel? 
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 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-02-26 12:47:39

The default installation of Microsoft Office 2000 (typical or standard installation) does not include the helper application Microsoft Query. This component is required to access any ODBC database from within the Office package.

Re-run the Office install program and choose Custom Installation, then choose Data Access tools, this will install Microsoft Query and related tools for accessing external data. It will not re-install the entire package or lose any documents or settings.

Under Excel, an additional step is required to go to the Add-ins menu and check the box for ODBC to allow this to work.

Microsoft Query is run by the application (Word, Excel) and allows you to choose the data you want to return to the document, and then Query will not be required again until you want to modify the data query.

Remember that QODBC is an ODBC database to Office, and it will not show up next to dBase and Paradox, it is categorized as either SQL Databases or ODBC Data depending on your version of Office.

Microsoft states that standard (non Office) versions of Word 2000 and Excel 2000 should work with ODBC drivers by using the ODBC Driver Kit, which can be downloaded from their web site at:


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