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Forum : performance issues connecting to qbw file on remote linux serverSearch Forum

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 performance issues connecting to qbw file on remote linux server 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 2 
 Joined: 2008-03-18 
 Posted : 2008-03-18 03:02:18
We are running Quickbooks Enterprise Solution V8.0 and  QODBC V8.00.00.240.  We are attempting to query the charge and item tables to return balance remaining through a FoxPro 8 application using the following query:
select a.balanceremaining as br, b.fullname as itemname, b.parentreffullname as itemparent,
         a.txnid, a.txndate, a.araccountreflistid as araccount from charge a, item b
         where a.itemreflistid=b.listid and a.customerreflistid =  '011450' and a.ispaid=0

The QBW file resides on a Linux server running SLES 10.

Even establishing the connection takes 4 minutes which seems slow.

We have tried turning the optimizer on with no results.  We have also broken the query into 2 separate queries thinking that the join might be causing the issue.  Again no difference.

This query runs in 2 seconds on our LAN.  I have never had the patience to wait past 45 minutes trying it on the remote box.  We have a T3 into the UTN  and a multiplexed pair of T1's from the dmark on the other end.

I also noticed that the first time we attempted this query that after 10 minutes it returned a syntax error.  So it appears it took 10 minutes just to evaluate the query.  Once the syntax was corrected we saw the times listed above. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-03-18 11:26:16

This query uses the QODBC optimized file and is faster:

select   charge.balanceremaining as br, item.fullname as itemname, item.parentreffullname as itemparent,
         charge.txnid, charge.txndate, charge.araccountreflistid as araccount
from     charge NOSYNC, item NOSYNC
where    charge.itemreflistid=item.listid
and      charge.customerreflistid = '011450' and charge.ispaid=0

See: How do I setup the QODBC Optimizer? Where are the Optimizer options? for more information.


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