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Forum : Cannot activate QODBC after upgrading from QB 2008 to 2009Search Forum

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 Cannot activate QODBC after upgrading from QB 2008 to 2009 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 6 
 Joined: 2008-08-30 
 Posted : 2008-10-17 03:49:53

Hi Tom,

I have the latest driver that I purchased in late september.  Ver which worked wit QB 2008 Canadian.

A week later I upgrade to  QB 2009 Canadian. when. I tried to connect using VB Bemo and a dialogue box came up asking me to activate. I entered my my CD Key and it said activation was succesful. . Eveytime I try to connect to the driver, through vb Demo. It continues to ask me for the acrtivation key and says the:

VB Demo sessions is expired.

I then uninstalled and reinstalled the driver usung the activatiion tab on the setup screen. Now I get the error.

Authorized Quantity for CD Key XXX-XXX-XXXX-XXX has been exhausted.(Auto)

I have had the driver for about a week and It said it was compatible with with 2009.

I would be very upset if I have to purchase any more key. My order number was U29439476. I would have posted earlier but i had to go out of the country for a week and  half. But like I said I have only had it for a week.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-10-17 08:26:35

The USA/Canadian ordering system only started issueing 2009 CDKey Codes after the 12th of October (as far as I can tell), so your September CDKey Code is for QuickBooks 2008 and not for QuickBooks 2009. A QODBC v8 Read/Write Desktop for QuickBooks 2008 will report that you don't have a valid CDKey Code for QuickBooks 2009 and say your evaluation has expired. You will need the Serial Number in the About tab in the QODBC Setup Screen to start with either: R09U...... or W09U........ or S09U........ to use QuickBooks 2009.

See: QODBC v9 Released! for further info.

Please contact the USA Sales office directly to discuss your problem further.


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