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Forum : QODBC unable to auto-login to QuickBooks unattendedSearch Forum

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 QODBC unable to auto-login to QuickBooks unattended 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 3 
 Joined: 2007-08-03 
 Posted : 2007-11-08 14:50:20

I am currently using QB 2006 Premier.  As of recently, the QODBC stopped allowing unattended logins.  I have reviewed various posts about setting up unattended logins, resolving error 8004041d, and checking/unchecking various options in the setup screen.  I have even tried to reinstall QODBC, but have had no luck.  I called sales support and they mentioned that there was a bug with the Intuit SDK.  I find this particularly strange as I had gotten the unattended login to work and even managed to integrate with linked servers and was working on DTS/SSIS packages.  Is there any hope that this will work again?  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.




 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-11-09 08:40:23
See: After upgrading to QuickBooks 2006 or 2007, QODBC "auto-login" unattended mode no longer works?  

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 3 
 Joined: 2007-08-03 
 Posted : 2007-11-10 04:18:20


I have tried the 17 step approach outlined in "After upgrading to QuickBooks 2006 or 2007, QODBC "auto-login" unattended mode no longer works?  ".  I still get the same error: "QB Begin Session Failed. Error = 8004041d, This application is not allowed to log into this QuickBooks company data file automatically. The QuickBooks administrator can grant permission for automatic login through the Integrated Application preferences. (#10041)".  I have also repeated the steps in "How do I setup QODBC to auto-login into QuickBooks and start it if it's not running? " without any luck.  I would also like to note, that this database was created using QB 2006 (ie was never upgraded).  Additionally, the unattended login did work for a while ... seems very strange that it no longer works.

I would appreciate any advise you could offer.




 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-11-10 10:57:08
Remove all the FLEXquarters QODBC integrated applications and copy the companyname.qbw file to another folder and try again. It doesn't matter if you upgraded or not, even new QuickBooks 2006 company files have the same problem. You might have to upgrade to QuickBooks 2008 to fix it. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-03-18 11:36:23
The staff at Intuit QBES (QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions) would like me to pass the following message to you:

Using the R5 release for Quickbooks Enterprise Solutions Version 8.0, developers can now use their QODBC applications with Quickbooks closed. 

Download the R5 update here:

Remember that when using this feature, you have to use 'Locate a company file' or a QODBC connection string with "DFQ=C:\Program Files\QODBC Driver for QuickBooks\sample04.qbw" rather than 'Use the company file that's now open in Quickbooks'. 

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