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Forum : Release FixesSearch Forum

Forum Home > QODBC - ODBC Driver for QuickBooks > QODBC Updates and Bug Fixes

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 Release Fixes 
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 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-10-24 22:50:01
  • Two new columns in sp_parameters return set. REMARKS and ADVANCED.
    REMARKS will eventually have the QuickBooks friendly Parameter name that can be used to display to the user when presenting the parameter to the user.
    ADVANCED parameters return true, meaning a normal user can probably ignore them.
  • One new column was added in the sp_reportcolumns return set. REMARKS.
    REMARKS will eventually have the QuickBooks friendly Column name that can be used to display to the user when presenting the column to the user.
  • The return set for sp_reportcolumns the column "DEFAULT_FIELD" now contains valid values on which columns are available on the default QuickBooks report.
  • Increased the internal length of DFQ from 127 to 260 characters. This was causing truncation of the DFQ on the long paths for QuickBooks 2007.
  • Changed all references of Other, Other1, Other2 to be CustomFieldOther, CustomFieldOther1, CustomFieldOther2. Also corrected an issue with Other2 not returning data sometimes.
  • Changed all UpdateOptimizer flagged fields to behave like ForceUnoptimized fields. This is a temporary change until the UpdateOptimer logic can handle changed/deleted transactions.
  • Corrected issue with error 127 with Windows 2000 (Only build affected was .196).
  • Partial fix to Vista support including greying out non-functional buttons (Test Connection and Optimizer updates) when Vista Admin User.
  • Correct issues with the Sales/SalesLine table.
  • Changed the behavior of the following table modifiers: NoSync, DoSync, Optimize, Optimized, Verified, Verify. The new behavior is to force Optimized mode regardless of the ForceUpdate mode of the table or columns selected as part of the query. Note that CreditCardInfo will not be returned in this mode. It is never saved in the QODBC Optimized .opt file so therefore will never be returnable when displayed directly from the optimizer.
  • Corrected issue with optimized version of SalesLine. FQPrimaryKey was incorrect and was dropping what it thought were duplicate lines.
  • Added Verisign digital signature to installer and components to prevent tampering.

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