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Forum : Works Great In Excel - Cant Connect Through Visual BasicSearch Forum

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 Works Great In Excel - Cant Connect Through Visual Basic 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 1 
 Joined: 2008-10-18 
 Posted : 2008-10-18 00:51:04

we had this problem in Enterprise version 8 and Enterprise version 9

the QODBC driver is authorized for autologin and the FlexQuarters driver can be seen in Integrated Applications.

both Excel and Access can connect to the QuickBooks data using the QODBC connection without any problems.

when we try to connect using a custom visual basic application which calls the QODBC DSN we receive a message stating the application cannot change its properties in the company setup and the connection fails.

the code is as follows:

Dim csQuickBooks As String = "DSN=QuickBooks Data;"

Dim cnQuickBooks As New OdbcConnection(csQuickBooks)


what is different about using the QODBC interface through VB and Excel?

i have tried to login as 'Admin' in single user mode and i am not presented with an QuickBooks authorization popup.

thanks for your help.

ken edwards

lexington, kentucky USA



Ken Edwards
Senior Developer
TRAK Software, Inc.
Lexington, Kentucky
(859) 221-7377
 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-10-18 14:11:21

Sorry your description of the actual error message isn't concise. I would need to know the exact error message. As far as the connection string is concerned, it needs to state the QuickBooks company file to open like this:-

Dim csQuickBooks As String ="DSN=Quickbooks Data;DFQ=C:\foldername\companyfilename.qbw;OLE DB Services=-2;"

See: How do I build a connection string with all the available QODBC parameters? for more info. As you are using Visual Basic 2005, see this: VB 2005 Express Edition And QODBC also!!!


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