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Normal   How to add custom fields in sales order header? 
Priya 1 8  2009-02-19 10:35:05 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   DT_NTEXT unicode text field becomes DT_WSTR string, thus NULL data 
Howard 2 58  2009-02-19 09:03:01 
 Post by : jdroger2
Normal   QODBC does not connect with QickBooks Database Server 
Ahmad Ansari 3 12  2009-02-17 12:37:28 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Reinstalling qodbc 8 
Mari 5 21  2009-02-13 14:05:12 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   expired evaluation, after successful activation 
tyler 6 59  2009-02-13 10:00:58 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How to code a Make Table when using sp_report 
Mitch 1 15  2009-02-07 10:24:45 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Can't connect to QuickBooks using VS 2008 
slarue 3 103  2009-01-30 09:31:23 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Running an Append Query in Access 
Mel 7 35  2009-01-29 11:04:52 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Error parsing complete XML return string (8) 
Suvi 5 30  2009-01-22 08:26:55 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Optimizer Problem 
cgoldsmith 3 24  2009-01-18 10:58:36 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   TimeTracking Tbl issues 
SLS 1 21  2009-01-10 14:49:15 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Incorrectly built XML from Insert Start 
Shanewaj 4 101  2009-01-08 16:56:39 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   [QODBC]Invalid operand for operator 
Alex Casanova 5 57  2009-01-04 11:19:35 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Invoice Template 
robert 1 20  2009-01-03 08:59:50 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Vista - linked to SQL server, no results in queries? 
bmclaughlin 5 90  2009-01-03 08:47:32 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Connection with Visual FoxPro 
Ahmad Ansari 1 22  2009-01-01 14:07:11 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   QODBC V8 Installation 
Ahmad Ansari 1 27  2008-12-30 08:44:56 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Can't Determine Vendor Credit 
Louis Block 8 52  2008-12-19 15:00:34 
 Post by : Louis Block
Normal   adding debit/credit lines 
mwr 3 23  2008-12-19 10:54:42 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   UAC prompt retriving to EXCEL with remote data sharing client 
george 12 112  2008-12-17 09:52:41 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Error appending to billlineitem or invoicelineitem tables 
Mari 1 30  2008-12-10 09:43:22 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Insert Payment without PaymentLines 
jrademan 1 21  2008-12-08 20:52:40 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   How do insert an item receipt without a bill for expenses? 
Tom 14 124  2008-12-03 15:48:04 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Inserting TxnID 
BellHawk 5 32  2008-11-26 20:48:33 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Add Time/Costs to Invoice 
Chris 1 21  2008-11-25 17:28:18 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Error 10061 
Nasarudin 4 35  2008-11-22 19:05:39 
 Post by : Nasarudin
Normal   How to show Invoice line item rate percent instead of rate 
Mari 2 27  2008-11-22 04:43:39 
 Post by : Mari
Normal   Custom Fields in Items list are empty in VB demo 
Ian V 28 260  2008-11-21 20:15:02 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Posting MultiLine Receipts 
BellHawk 16 62  2008-11-21 02:29:04 
 Post by : BellHawk
Normal   Any way speed up Access link? 
PH 1 42  2008-11-18 17:51:29 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Query relating invoice details to JE distributions 
BigErn78 5 50  2008-11-18 10:30:43 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Failed JournalEntry postings 
Marcel_P 5 115  2008-11-11 07:51:58 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Update Class for Journal Entries 
Rob 6 48  2008-11-11 07:43:40 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Updating custom fields in an existing invoice fails 
Kent Fuka 1 32  2008-11-06 09:21:13 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Rate Column in Timetracking table 
brendamt 5 57  2008-11-06 08:06:18 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Windows Server 2008 64 + QBES 9 + QODBC 9 
Mike 3 50  2008-11-06 07:48:45 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Quickbooks 8.0 I_olb_aliases Table 
sinouye 1 27  2008-10-30 11:33:49 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Error 80040408, Could not start QuickBooks 
Ken Brey 1 32  2008-10-29 08:07:25 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Multiple Company Files 
Karen 1 32  2008-10-25 09:39:46 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   IIS/PHP QODBC v8 and Quickbooks 2007/08 - QB Begin Session Failed. Error = 80040416 
Adrian 2 37  2008-10-24 14:16:40 
 Post by : Adrian
Normal   Creating an Invoice 
Ken 5 80  2008-10-22 07:55:15 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   ProfitandLossStandard headers named after the date range 
SWT 1 39  2008-10-18 14:19:38 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Vista x64 bit and QODBC 
Duane Christie 3 50  2008-10-18 10:30:35 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Updating DepositLine Class 
Rob 5 82  2008-10-18 10:26:40 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Defined restrictions - and other details needed... 
Nomi 5 58  2008-10-17 12:54:14 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   sp_report ProfitandLossStandard 
SWT 3 43  2008-10-15 14:13:30 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   linked server-sql 2005 
Rashid 6 59  2008-10-14 11:33:26 
 Post by : Rashid
Normal   An internal QuickBooks error occurred while trying to access the QuickBooks company data file. 
Janeev 3 64  2008-10-12 12:13:35 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Unable to QuickBooks after engaging QODBC 
Dynacinc 1 42  2008-10-10 08:16:01 
 Post by : Tom
Normal   Killing (aborting) open connections / calls 
uc2633 1 40  2008-10-09 11:53:22 
 Post by : Tom
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