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Forum : Retrieve Customer records via FullName jumpin...Search Forum

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 Retrieve Customer records via FullName jumpin... 
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  Young Rembrandts 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 10 
 Joined: 2007-04-15 
 Posted : 2007-10-02 06:59:40

I have developed an Access form technique in which can add customers / jobs / sub jobs by assembling the data I want in the Customer record, then insert that data into a table especially designed to add records to the Customer table.  I then execute a query that do the adds from my table ([1 QB Update]), typically, one new Customer record at a time.  This all works good!

I want to then immediately execute another sql that will retrieve the newly added record(s) using the jumpin "FullName", so I can in turn update [1 QB Update] with the ListID of the new record.  I tried:

UPDATE [1 QB Update], Customer SET [1 QB Update].ListID = [customer].[ListID]
WHERE ((([1 QB Update].Name)=[customer].[fullname]));

I cancelled Access after it became unresponsive.  I then assumed that I could join to the jumpin FullName, so i tried:

UPDATE [1 QB Update] INNER JOIN Customer ON [1 QB Update].Name = Customer.FullName SET [1 QB Update].ListID = [customer].[ListID];


UPDATE [1 QB Update] INNER JOIN Customer ON [1 QB Update].Name = Customer.FullName SET [1 QB Update].ListID = [customer].[ListID]
WHERE ((([1 QB Update].Name)=[customre].[fullname]));

Again, Access went into "La - La" land.

I then executed the sql using a literal to access FullName as follows:

UPDATE [1 QB Update], Customer SET [1 QB Update].ListID = [customer].[ListID]
WHERE (((Customer.FullName)="Young Rembrandts"));

This last sql worked fine.

How do I write a query or sql that will use a data field in my [1 QB Update] table to use the FullName jumpin feature to retrieve the Customer record?



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-10-03 07:58:46
There's actually no reason for you to store the Customer.ListID in your mdb as QODBC is happy to use either Customer.ListID or Customer.FullName, you don't need both. 

  Young Rembrandts 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 10 
 Joined: 2007-04-15 
 Posted : 2007-10-03 22:53:31

OK...I get that.  Then I have two other questions.

1. Only the update SQL in which I referenced the FullName literally, worked.  The other update SQL's that referenced FullName as a variable contained in my table sent Access into unresponsive mode.  What is wrong with the SQL syntax?  Can I join my table's FullName with Customer's FullName?

(2) Is there a large time difference in retrieving customer records by ListID vs. a jumpin?

Thanks for you help.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-10-04 07:13:04

I think you would be better off running the Select statement on the QODBC table on its own and then moving the result to a varaible that you directly update your local 1 QB Update table with.

It makes no difference whether you use the ListID or FullName as both columns are indexed within the QuickBooks qbXML SDK.


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