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Forum : InvoiceLine Select errorSearch Forum

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 InvoiceLine Select error 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 34 
 Joined: 2006-08-08 
 Posted : 2006-10-15 02:20:01

I have QBE 6.0 (waiting for the v7 upgrade). I just downloaded the v7 QODBC and when running the following query, I receive a IM001 error (Driver Not Capable). I run the same query in the VBDemo and it works fine. I then rolled back to the latest v6 QODBC driver and it worked fine.

daQODBC = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter("SELECT TxnID, InvoiceLineSeqNo, InvoiceLineServiceDate, InvoiceLineItemRefFullName, InvoiceLineDesc, InvoiceLineQuantity, InvoiceLineRate, InvoiceLineAmount FROM InvoiceLine Where RefNumber IN ('2300','2301','2302')", cnQODBC)


As a second question, is the SQL (using QODBC v7) truly/significantly faster in the v7 of QBE?



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-10-15 11:40:58

There's nothing wrong with:

SELECT RefNumber, TxnID, InvoiceLineSeqNo, InvoiceLineServiceDate, InvoiceLineItemRefFullName,
InvoiceLineDesc, InvoiceLineQuantity, InvoiceLineRate, InvoiceLineAmount FROM InvoiceLine
Where RefNumber IN ('23','44','1')

but when using QODBC v7, the location of the optimized tables has changed to your login user profile folder, so existing connections might be hard coded wrong. It now looks like this:

ODBC;DSN=QuickBooks Data;SERVER=QODBC;OptimizerDBFolder=%UserProfile%\QODBC Driver for QuickBooks\Optimizer 

Which most likely explains why VB Demo works.

The pass through optimizer only works in QODBC v7 if you have purchased a CD Key with a 07 serial number or have the USA edition of QBE 2007. The pass through optimizer is designed to pass multi-table join queires through to the SQLite engine backend, making it much faster.

In the case of QuickBooks Enterprise Edition, this will only become active when you install your QBE 2007 upgrade.

Unfortunately your query will still do a full table scan because RefNumber isn't a QODBC jump-in and therefore is not indexed. 


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