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Forum : Get application information for “General Journal” type of transactionsSearch Forum

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 Get application information for “General Journal” type of transactions 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 24 
 Joined: 2006-04-04 
 Posted : 2007-05-16 22:18:08

Hi All,



I would like get application information for “General Journal” type of transactions through QODBC. Can QODBC provide such information? Let me explain my requirement with the help of example.



In QuickBooks, we have a created “General Journal” type of transaction say “GEN1” of amount USD 100 for a customer “Intuit” such that customer balance increases to USD 100.



Then we created another “General Journal” type of transaction say “GEN2” of amount USD 20 for same customer “Intuit” such that customer balance reduces to USD 80.



After this we have applied “GEN2” transaction to “GEN1” so that outstanding amount of “GEN1” and “GEN2” Transactions gets reduced.



Can you please advice us whether we can get such application information for “General Journal” type of transaction through QODBC?



Thanks in Advance!







 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-05-17 01:07:37
You can view your journals in the JournalEntryCreditLine, JournalEntryDebitLine tables which can be joined like this:

SELECT JournalEntryCreditLine.TxnDate, JournalEntryCreditLine.TxnID,
FROM JournalEntryCreditLine, JournalEntryDebitLine
WHERE JournalEntryCreditLine.TxnID=JournalEntryDebitLine.TxnID
and ((((JournalEntryDebitLine.TxnDate)>={d'2007-05-16'}))
or   (((JournalEntryCreditLine.TxnDate)>={d'2007-05-16'})))

just change the date to suit.


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 24 
 Joined: 2006-04-04 
 Posted : 2007-05-17 18:44:59

Hi Tom,

Thank for the reply!

From the above query, we believe that we will get “GEN1” and “GEN2” transaction entry information in our example mentioned above.

But we are looking for a entry which said that Journal Entry Transaction “GEN2” is applied to “GEN1”. Like “CreditMemoLinkedTxn” table of QODBC, gives Credit Memo apply information i.e. Credit memo is applied to which invoices etc.

Hence can you please advice which table stores the entry for Journal Entry Transaction applied information?

Thanks in Advance!



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-05-17 23:33:26

Sorry, there ins't a JournalLinkedTxn table. I'm assuming here that these journals are not within the one transaction because it's easy to find all items in a transaction by the TxnID, so I would start with:

SELECT JournalEntryCreditLine.TxnDate, JournalEntryCreditLine.RefNumber as CreditRef,
JournalEntryDebitLine.RefNumber as DebitRef, JournalEntryCreditLine.TxnID,
FROM JournalEntryCreditLine, JournalEntryDebitLine
WHERE JournalEntryCreditLine.TxnID=JournalEntryDebitLine.TxnID
and ((((JournalEntryCreditLine.RefNumber) like 'GEN%'))
or   (((JournalEntryCreditLine.RefNumber) like 'GEN%')))

and then look at the account I'm actually interested in.


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 24 
 Joined: 2006-04-04 
 Posted : 2007-05-22 17:40:36

Hi Tom,

Thanks once again for your reply!!!

Well, from the above query, we still get the “GEN1” and “GEN2” transactions entry information in our example mentioned above. We have an idea how we can to get such information using QODBC. As I said earlier, we are looking for an entry which gives us Journal Entry Transaction “GEN2” is applied to “GEN1”.

Now, let me explain how we have created “GEN1” and “GEN2” transactions in QB and then apply “GEN2” transaction to “GEN1” transaction with the help of screen shots. This will gives you basic idea of what information we required from QODBC.

1. First we have created “GEN1” and “GEN2” Transactions using “Make General Journal Entries” for customer “Intuit”. Please refer the below screen shots.

As you can see from the above screen shots, in “GEN1” and “GEN2” Transactions, we have used “Account Receivable” type of account and set customer Name “Intuit” in “Name” field against this account. Due to this QB has affected the customer balance of “Intuit”.

2. After this we have applied “GEN2” Transaction to “GEN1” transaction using “Receive Payment” entry. Please refer the below screen shot. As you can see, here we have used “Discount and Credits” button to applied “GEN2” Transactions to “GEN1”.

Now, please refer the below screen shot which shows apply information of “GEN1” Transaction. We want this information from QODBC. Hope this clears our requirement.

Please advice which field or table or store procedure can give us such information.

Thanks in Advance!


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-05-24 10:41:43
Please edit your post and upload the images to the forum. Your images references are pointing to your local drive. See: How do I upload images to my forum post? 

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