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Forum : Error displaying numbersSearch Forum

Forum Home > FlexODBC - ODBC Driver for DataFlex Embedded DBMS > FlexODBC Bug Reports

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 Error displaying numbers 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 3 
 Joined: 2006-08-29 
 Posted : 2006-08-29 23:34:02


I'm using FlexODBC Version 4.00.24 to access dataflex databases with Microsoft Access.

It seems that Access or the ODBC driver doesn't take care of the decimal separator. All the number fields wich are displayed with a decimal in the dataflex database are displayed without it in Microsoft Access.
Ex :
- 101,54 in dataflex database will be 10154 in Microsoft Access
- 34,00 in dataflex database will be 3400 in Microsoft Access
- ...

Moreover, some fields are displayed in Microsoft Access with error when the field number is greater than 99,99. In the dataflex field definition, I can find this parameters :
- Type : NUM
- Length : 4,20
- Idx : /
- N.Length : 3,00
- Data : 101,54

Could you please help me ? Is this a bug ?

Thanks in advance for your help !


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-08-30 08:42:33

As you are using , (commas) as your decimal seperator, you also need to force FlexODBC to output numbers in the 10.000,00 format.


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 3 
 Joined: 2006-08-29 
 Posted : 2006-08-30 08:47:21

I solved the problem by myselg by configuring the "Force number separator" to 10.000,00 in the FlexODBC setup


 Group: Members 
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 Joined: 2006-08-29 
 Posted : 2006-08-30 08:49:22
Thank you Tom, but I found the solution by myself  

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