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Forum : Deleting Bad DataSearch Forum

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 Deleting Bad Data 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 8 
 Joined: 2006-09-29 
 Posted : 2007-04-03 01:38:32

Due to a server error, we have a series of transactions with a TimeCreated date of 4/22/2009.  Everytime we try to clean up company data, QuickBooks hangs.  Since there are roughly 10,000 Invoice records that have a bad date and because all of them are really from 2004, I was hoping to just delete all invoices with dates greater than 4/22/2009 00:00:00.001.

My statement is Delete FROM Invoice WHERE TimeCreated > {ts '2009-01-01 00:00:00.001'}

I'm using QuickBooks Enterprise.  Is there anything wrong with doing what I'm doing?  Should the delete statement work?  Will QuickBooks automatically remove InvoiceLine Items as well?

Thanks for your help!


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-04-03 08:17:46

Deleting Invoice records will automatically delete the corresponding InvoiceLine records. However, deleting 10,000 records or so is going to take some time. I suggest you first run a:

Select Top 100 * from Invoice WHERE TimeCreated > {ts '2009-01-01 00:00:00.001'}

query and then grab one of the TxnIDs and do:

Delete FROM Invoice WHERE TxnID='5B9A-1197763871'

to check all is working ok. Make sure you are running QODBC v7.00.00.214 (or higher).


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