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Forum : No Data in Invoice, Sales Receipt tables using QBOESearch Forum

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 No Data in Invoice, Sales Receipt tables using QBOE 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 6 
 Joined: 2007-04-18 
 Posted : 2007-04-20 07:26:34

I am still in the evaluation version of QODBC, V7, and using Quickbooks Online.

We can see the Customer Table has data, but invoices, sales receipts both have NO data, they open with no entries.  If I run Quickbooks Online, I see my receipts and my invoices, so I know there are invoices and receipts.

Any suggestions?



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-04-20 11:29:43

When over 1000 records could be returned by any given query to the QuickBooks Online Edition, the query get's terminated by QBOE at the Intuit end. Assuming that you have entered invoices since January this year, you need to query a smaller subset of records like this:

select * from InvoiceLine UNOPTIMIZED WHERE Txndate > {d '2007-01-01'}

Where the date format is {d 'YYYY-MM-DD'}

You can also remove the UNOPTIMIZED tag if it works as I've only added it to bypass your local optimized invoice and invoiceline tables in case there's something wrong there. You should always use the QODBC Optimizer with using QBOE.


 Group: Members 
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 Posted : 2007-04-27 04:08:59

OK, using the code you show, I am able to see some records.  However in the 4 queries I ran, Access crashed 3 times.  It's the "we're sorry, Access has encountered and error and needs to close" type error, where it proceeds to make a backup then re-open.  This is a clean database with just the OQDBC links and now 3 pass-through queries.  There's no code yet, no other tables, nothing else. 

I am wondering if QODBC is really this unstable, or if the instability is due to Quickbooks Online, or what.  I really wonder if it's worth continuing to develop with this if the Access database is going to crash this often (75% of the time).

I even simplifed the query to select just one invoice that I already know is in the database.  That's not going to be useful long term, but I am trying to figure out how to use QODBC within Microsoft Access, and keep Access happy.  I don't quite understand why this is so difficult.


 Group: Administrator 
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 Posted : 2007-04-27 08:52:58

I suggest you use VB Demo to test your queries first. Incorrect syntax can crash MS Access. Please ensure that you are using QODBC v7.00.00.214 (or higher) as earlier versions (like Build 207) did crash MS Access at times.

See: How can I get the latest version of QODBC? 


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 Posts: 6 
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 Posted : 2007-05-03 02:11:16

I'm using VB Demo (although I don't understand why this is any better than Access - the demo doesn't tell me if the query is correctly written or not).  The query you suggested works, but only with the UNOPTIMIZED keyword.  In other words this query returns records:

select * from InvoiceLine UNOPTIMIZED WHERE Txndate > {d '2007-01-01'}

and this query returns no records:

select * from InvoiceLine WHERE Txndate > {d '2007-01-01'}

Why?  I have optimizer checked on in the configuration.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-05-03 10:16:02

Ok, please switch off (uncheck) the QODBC Optimzer and then the product will run as expected without the need of using the UNOPTIMIZED tag. 


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-08-08 09:31:31
Please update to QODBC Release v7.1.0.230 as this bug has been fixed (Release Fixes). See: How can I get the latest version of QODBC?  

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