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Forum : Inserting salesreceiptline problem: Expected lexical element not found: sp_reportSearch Forum

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 Inserting salesreceiptline problem: Expected lexical element not found: sp_report 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2006-05-13 
 Posted : 2006-05-26 03:12:45

I'm trying to insert a salesreceiptline and I'm getting the following error.

Expected lexical element not found: sp_report.

Here is the query I'm using.

insert into salesreceiptline (CustomerRefListID, TemplateRefListID, TxnDate, IsPending, DueDate, IsToBePrinted, DepositToAccountRefListID,
        BillAddressAddr1, BillAddressAddr2, BillAddressAddr3, BillAddressCity, BillAddressState, BillAddressPostalCode,
        SalesReceiptLineItemRefFullName, SalesReceiptLineDesc, SalesReceiptLineRate, SalesReceiptLineAmount,
     value ('4CFC0000-1148429307', '60000-1019762012', {d'2006-05-25'}, 0, {d'2006-05-25'}, 0, '650000-1019162593',
       'Joe Mama Inc 3', '123 Main St.', 'Suite 450', 'Chicago', 'IL', '60602',
       'Monthly Subscription', 'BidClerk Sales Lead Subscription', 39.95, 39.95, '20000-1018058558')

I also tried it with FQSaveToCache = 0


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-05-26 10:13:40

Would you believe that just one character has caused you this?

value should be values

insert into salesreceiptline (CustomerRefListID, TemplateRefListID, TxnDate, IsPending, DueDate, IsToBePrinted, DepositToAccountRefListID,
        BillAddressAddr1, BillAddressAddr2, BillAddressAddr3, BillAddressCity, BillAddressState, BillAddressPostalCode,
        SalesReceiptLineItemRefFullName, SalesReceiptLineDesc, SalesReceiptLineRate, SalesReceiptLineAmount,
     values ('4CFC0000-1148429307', '60000-1019762012', {d'2006-05-25'}, 0, {d'2006-05-25'}, 0, '650000-1019162593',
       'Joe Mama Inc 3', '123 Main St.', 'Suite 450', 'Chicago', 'IL', '60602',
       'Monthly Subscription', 'BidClerk Sales Lead Subscription', 39.95, 39.95, '20000-1018058558')


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