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Forum : QODBC pulling rows in Invoice and InvoiceLine tables that doesn't exist in QBSearch Forum

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 QODBC pulling rows in Invoice and InvoiceLine tables that doesn't exist in QB 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 10 
 Joined: 2008-10-17 
 Posted : 2009-01-15 04:54:08

Hey there. We're running QODBC against Quickbooks Enterprise 9.0 to pull data out of Invoice and InvoiceLine tables. We noticed our reports were getting inflated (compared to numbers seen in QB) and found that QODBC was pulling up InvoiceLines that was tied to a non existant Invoice in QB. We pulled the Invoice via QODBC and sure enough, that phantom Invoice exists when pulled from QODBC, but there is no trace of it at all with that TxnNumber within Quickbooks. We found over 20 of these phantom invoices that's messing up our numbers for Dec so far, and for Jan we're already up to 7.

We figured it was a data corruption problem with QB, so we shipped the file to QB support. After 2 weeks, they said they don't support 3rd party software. So we're now back to square 1.

Looking at the rows, these phantom Invoices have unique TxnID, EditSequence, and TxnNumber, and looks to be a clone of another legit Invoice, which means those invoices are getting double counted when pulled from QODBC. We've tried everything... turning off the optimizer, clearing the optimizer and reloading the data, and it's still pulling it up. I'm fairly convinced that the data is in QB and tagged as deleted or something, but QODBC doesn't give us access to that column, thus we can't exclude it with a WHERE clause.

Any help would be appreciated. We need to get the data out accurately so we can have our taxes done.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2009-01-15 10:50:07

Rebuild the optimized table by running:

Select * from InvoiceLine verify


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