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Forum : QuickBooks Enterprise 8.0; QODBC V8 using CD Key V6 unknowingly: reading worked for a while then stoSearch Forum

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 QuickBooks Enterprise 8.0; QODBC V8 using CD Key V6 unknowingly: reading worked for a while then sto 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 1 
 Joined: 2008-07-09 
 Posted : 2008-07-09 15:12:26

I recently upgraded to QuickBooks Enterprise edition.  QODBC v8.0 stopped reading new data.  Data from read was stale.  I tried uninstalling QODBC and reinstalling it.  Then I read that i needed to uninstall older versions of QuickBooks on my PC before it would install the right version of QODBC, so i uninstalled QuickBooks 2006.  Uninstalled QODBC. Reinstalled QODBC from the QuickBooks Enterprise edition FIle menu.  and it still didn't update the stale data in Excel.

Finally i thought to deactivate my license from the QODBC Setup dialog.  Successfully updated data after that. Turns out my license was a v6 license. When i intalled QB Enterprise edtion QODBC Read only version from the QB File|Utililites menu, it kept my old QODBC license without me being aware of it.

If you upgrade to Enterprise edition (USA only) don't for get to DEACTIVATE your old version license (this action requires your "CD Key" to do the deactivation.)



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-07-09 17:15:01
To operate the FREE QODBC Enterprise Desktop Edition requires the USA version of QuickBooks Enterprise and no activation key. A CDKey Code is only required for Read/Write operations or applications that are, or call through, a Windows Service. 

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