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Forum : What can I do with Employee Earnings (EmployeeEarning)?Search Forum

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 What can I do with Employee Earnings (EmployeeEarning)? 
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 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-02-26 17:07:23

Various example scripts to insert, update and delete payroll info.

Create a new Employee and EmployeeEarning Line
INSERT INTO EmployeeEarning (FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, PayrollInfoEarningsPayrollItemWageRefListID, PayrollInfoEarningsRate, FQSaveToCache) VALUES ('Tom','T.','QODBC', '10000-933272656', 30000.0, 0)

Create a new EmployeeEarning Line for an Existing Employee
INSERT INTO EmployeeEarning (ListID, PayrollInfoEarningsPayrollItemWageRefListID, PayrollInfoEarningsRate) VALUES ('300000-934380930', '20000-934380928', 40000)

Destroy the new EmployeeEarning Line
DELETE FROM "EmployeeEarning" WHERE "ListID" = 'AA0000-1197773926' AND "PayrollInfoEarningsPayrollItemWageRefListID" = '10000-933272656'

Note: The ListID's will vary depending on your company file

Further Examples
UPDATE "EmployeeEarning" SET PayrollInfoEarningsRate = 25000.0 WHERE "ListID" = '390000-933272659' AND "PayrollInfoEarningsPayrollItemWageRefListID" = '10000-933272656'

UPDATE "EmployeeEarning" SET PayrollInfoEarningsRate = 20.000 WHERE "ListID" = '390000-933272659' AND "PayrollInfoEarningsPayrollItemWageRefListID" = '50000-933272657'

DELETE FROM "EmployeeEarning" WHERE "ListID" = '390000-933272659' AND "PayrollInfoEarningsPayrollItemWageRefListID" = '10000-933272656'

DELETE FROM "EmployeeEarning" WHERE "ListID" = '390000-933272659' AND "PayrollInfoEarningsPayrollItemWageRefListID" = '50000-933272657'

Note: If you have trouble seeing your changes, try running your queries in unoptimized mode like this:-

SELECT Name, ListID, PayrollInfoEarningsPayrollItemWageRefListID, PayrollInfoEarningsRate FROM EmployeeEarning unoptimized


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 43 
 Joined: 2006-04-04 
 Posted : 2006-04-25 01:23:47
If I execute:
DELETE FROM EmployeeEarning WHERE ListID = '300000-934380930'
I get en error "invalid bookmark value", but it DELETES ONE record.
If I keep on executing it, it eventually deletes all the records and when there are no more records left it executes seccessfully. 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-04-25 10:37:17

Sorry, you MUST specifiy PayrollInfoEarningsPayrollItemWageRefListID in the delete as per:

DELETE FROM "EmployeeEarning" WHERE "ListID" = '390000-933272659' AND "PayrollInfoEarningsPayrollItemWageRefListID" = '50000-933272657'


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