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Forum : ODBC Driver Cannot remember access login setting for Enterprise QB versionSearch Forum

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 ODBC Driver Cannot remember access login setting for Enterprise QB version 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 3 
 Joined: 2006-10-28 
 Posted : 2007-02-10 07:03:29

We have 3rd party application needs to read qbw database, QuickBooks version is U.S. Enterprise version.  when the 3rd party application tries to read data, QB pops up screen to let user to choose access option, we choosed "Allow user to access database even QuickBooks is not launched", the applications ran ok when QuickBooks is on with Admin login, but can not read data when QuickBooks is not launched.

Even QuickBooks is launched, has to be administrator login, (regular user login not working), then the 3rd party application can read data, and every time it pops up screen ask for access option, every time we choosed "allow user to read data without launching QuickBooks",it seems that the ODBC driver can not remember this setting at this time.

We updated the ODBC version as the latest, still the same problem. We also try to switch from multi-user mode to single user mode, still not working (we don't thinks this is related to user mode, because our other customers in mult-user mode are ok)

The version of ODBC is: "QuickBooks Enterprise Read Only Desktop Edition, version", Support  (this version of ODBC is from QuickBooks "File" => "Utitlies" => "Download ODBC driver")

QuickBooks Enterprise version is: "v.17.0.4005.0"

This problem only happens on one user, our other QuickBooks customers don't have this problem, as long as we select "allow to access database without launching QuickBooks", it works.



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-02-10 10:27:13

Try looking at: How do I setup QODBC to auto-login into QuickBooks and start it if it's not running? 


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