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Forum : QODBC for Quickbooks NZ 2007/2008Search Forum

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 QODBC for Quickbooks NZ 2007/2008 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2007-02-05 
 Posted : 2007-05-29 20:46:07

Hi Tom

Just wondering if you have any idea of when I will be able to run QODBC with Quickbooks NZ edition 2007/2008?

I've upgraded to Vista, but still have Quickbooks 2006/2007 & QODBC running on a seperate XP box, based on your earlier posts indicating that I could not yet upgrade to QB 2007/2008.

The duplication of PCs is starting to become tiresome, so I'm hoping that the appropriate fix/upgrade will be available soon....  Any idea when?


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-05-29 21:58:14

QODBC works fine with the Quickbooks NZ edition 2007/2008 on Windows XP. The problem here is that modifications are necesary to QuickBooks in order support Integrated Applications (such as QODBC) under Microsoft Windows Vista and this has only been done to the USA version of QuickBooks to date.

So it's just not the New Zealand version of QuickBooks that's missing out here, it's the whole world outside USA. We recommend that you keep on using Windows XP in the meantime and hope that Intuit will rectify this issue in 2008 when Quicken (Reckon) in Sydney moves to the new unified SDK.


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2007-02-05 
 Posted : 2007-05-30 05:41:16

Thanks Tom

I misunderstood your previous post about compatability - so this is great news, at least I can upgrade everyone to 2007/2008 - even if I do have to keep using a seperate XP machine for it ;-)

Thanks for your help


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