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Forum : SQL Server QBooks Link?Search Forum

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 SQL Server QBooks Link? 
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  Alfonso A. 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 5 
 Joined: 2007-03-22 
 Posted : 2007-03-28 07:56:08

I have a SQL Server/VB work order database that I would like to transfer invoices from to QuickBooks on a daily basis. I have setup my SQL statements and tested them in the included VB app. My dilemma is knowing the best way to setup the daily transfer of data. I have to separate QuickBooks files for different transactions. I would like to have this process on my server. I purchased QODBC server; should I create linked tables in SQL server or is there a better way to accomplish my needs. In addition, my server does not have any form of a development environment configured. Is there a way to use the QODBC on my dev computer to create the app, or must I install visual studio on my server?


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-03-28 08:12:47
MS SQL Server has it's own Studio where you can setup and schedule procedures to transfer data to QuickBooks using QODBC linked tables. 

  Alfonso A. 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 5 
 Joined: 2007-03-22 
 Posted : 2007-03-28 09:57:58

Since I have two QuickBooks files, is it possible to use linked tables? The Article on linked tables states QuickBooks must be open with the company file open. How can I do this with two company files?



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-03-28 11:56:35
You can't, you need to setup QuickBooks/QODBC/MS SQL Server on two seperate servers or simply use a application to open seperate DSNs (for each company file, one at a time) and import/export the required data to your MS SQL Server databases. 

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