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Forum : SQL of stored procedure SalesbyItemDetailSearch Forum

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 SQL of stored procedure SalesbyItemDetail 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 14 
 Joined: 2006-10-04 
 Posted : 2007-01-13 03:00:23

Can you tell me what the SQL behind the sp_report SalesbyItemDetail is? I would need to pull custom fields in that format, but they are not supported by the stored procedure.

Thanks, Michael


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-01-13 12:31:29
The is no SQL behind sp_report, we are simply calling the QuickBooks reporting engine here. You can use the  stored procedure SP_REPORTS to list all the available sp_reports.

And see all the columns available in a given SP_REPORT by using sp_reportcolumns reportname

As well as SP_PARAMETERS to list all the parameters available for a given SP_REPORT. The VALUES column lists available values that can be used with the parameter.

But as far as sales are concerned, I can get a better view of items (stock parts) sold by using the QODBC tables themselves, for example:

SELECT "InvoiceLine"."TxnDate" as Date, "InvoiceLine"."RefNumber" as Num, "Customer"."FullName" as Name, 
"InvoiceLine"."InvoiceLineDesc" as Memo, "InvoiceLine"."InvoiceLineQuantity" as Qty,
"InvoiceLine"."InvoiceLineItemRefFullName" as Item,
"InvoiceLine"."InvoiceLineRate" as Rate, "ItemInventory"."PurchaseCost" as Cost,
"ItemInventory"."AverageCost" as "Average Cost",
("InvoiceLine"."InvoiceLineQuantity" * "ItemInventory"."AverageCost") as Amount
FROM   "Customer" "Customer","InvoiceLine" "InvoiceLine", "ItemInventory" "ItemInventory"
WHERE  ("InvoiceLine"."CustomerRefListID"="Customer"."ListID")
AND  ("InvoiceLine"."InvoiceLineItemRefListID" = "ItemInventory"."ListID")
ORDER BY "InvoiceLine"."TxnDate"


 Group: Members 
 Posts: 14 
 Joined: 2006-10-04 
 Posted : 2007-01-16 07:20:21

Thank you Tom, but the example doesn't apply in my case. I am basically looking for adding a CustomField to the result of a 'SalesbyItemDetail' report. The current report syntax is:

SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY (Quickbooks, 'sp_report SalesByItemDetail show Account, TxnType, Date, RefNumber, Item, Memo, Name, Quantity, UnitPrice, Amount, OpenBalance, ModifiedTime parameters DateMacro = "ThisMonth"') where "Account" LIKE '%Maintenance%' ORDER BY Date

As reports don't support custom fields, how can I retrieve the same result set plus custom fields?


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-01-16 10:26:38
See: Sales By Item Detail Report and Custom Fields  

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