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Forum : Invoice line items with quantity of zeroSearch Forum

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 Invoice line items with quantity of zero 
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  Tony Goodin 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 5 
 Joined: 2007-01-11 
 Posted : 2007-01-27 08:41:11
The following SELECT is intended to find all InvoiceLines from pending invoices as long as they have NON-ZERO quantities:

SELECT Inv.CustomerRefFullName, Inv.RefNumber, Inv.TxnDate, Inv.Memo, InvLine.InvoiceLineSeqNo, InvLine.InvoiceLineItemRefFullName, InvLine.InvoiceLineQuantity, Item.CustomFieldLicenses_per_item, InvLine.InvoiceLineServiceDate  FROM Customer Cust, Invoice Inv, InvoiceLine InvLine, ItemNonInventory Item  WHERE Cust.ListID = Inv.CustomerRefListID AND InvLine.TxnID = Inv.TxnID AND Item.ListID = InvLine.InvoiceLineItemRefListID AND ((Inv.IsPending=true) AND (InvLine.InvoiceLineQuantity>0))

For some reason, this does NOT "knock out" the lines with quantities of .00000:

Curiously, I WAS able to exclude the zeros using:

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-01-27 12:35:40

I have also found that some nested parameters less than 8 parameters don't work correctly when passed through to the SQLite backend used by the QODBC optimized. This query returned 6 lines:

SELECT TxnDate as Date, CustomerRefFullName as Name, RefNumber as Ref,
InvoiceLineItemRefFullName as Service, InvoiceLineQuantity as Qty,
InvoiceLineRate as Rate, InvoiceLineAmount as Amount
FROM InvoiceLine Where CustomerRefFullName='Cook, Brian:Kitchen'
and (InvoiceLineItemRefFullName='Framing'or InvoiceLineItemRefFullName='Installation')
and InvoiceLineQuantity > 8 and TxnDate >= {d'2007-10-01'}

and included lines where InvoiceLineQuantity was less than quantity 8.

However if I use Select * only returns with 3 lines (and is correct):

SELECT * FROM InvoiceLine Where CustomerRefFullName='Cook, Brian:Kitchen'
and (InvoiceLineItemRefFullName='Framing'or InvoiceLineItemRefFullName='Installation')
and InvoiceLineQuantity > 8 and TxnDate >= {d'2007-10-01'}

and if I run the query unoptimized directly against QuickBooks it also returns 3 lines (or course):

SELECT TxnDate as Date, CustomerRefFullName as Name, RefNumber as Ref,
InvoiceLineItemRefFullName as Service, InvoiceLineQuantity as Qty,
InvoiceLineRate as Rate, InvoiceLineAmount as Amount
FROM InvoiceLine unoptimized Where CustomerRefFullName='Cook, Brian:Kitchen'
and (InvoiceLineItemRefFullName='Framing'or InvoiceLineItemRefFullName='Installation')
and InvoiceLineQuantity > 8 and TxnDate >= {d'2007-10-01'}

There's a typing problem when using 0 or 8 instead of 0.0000 or 8.0000 and I have reported the bug.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2007-04-04 09:17:09
I have now tested this using QODBC v7.00.00.214 and using 0 or 8 instead of 0.0000 or 8.0000 now work correctly. See: How can I get the latest version of QODBC?  

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