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Forum : Left Outer Join for FOUR TablesSearch Forum

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 Left Outer Join for FOUR Tables 
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  Mike W 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 4 
 Joined: 2008-03-13 
 Posted : 2008-03-13 02:44:02

I need to create a Sales History extract that gets information from 4 tables.

I need information from these tables.




















The SQL query that I have that works will link 3 tables. I need over 30 fields of data but the query only shows a few fields










     InvoiceLine."TxnDate", SalesOrderLinkedTxn."TxnDate",     



     InvoiceLine."RefNumber", SalesOrderLinkedTxn."RefNumber",



     Customer."CompanyName", Customer."CustomerTypeRefFullName"








    ( InvoiceLine LEFT OUTER JOIN SalesOrderLinkedTxn ON        



      SalesOrderLinkedTxn."LinkedTxnTxnID" = InvoiceLine."TxnID") INNER JOIN Customer ON 



      InvoiceLine."CustomerRefListID" = Customer."ListID"







I need to also link the ItemInventory table





InvoiceLine JOIN ItemInventory ON InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineItemRefListID" = ItemInventory."ListID"





This is where I am having difficulty in constructing the SQL statement.



Can you put me on the correct path?






Mike W 
 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-03-13 10:46:21
Try looking at: History of purchased items by customer first. 

  Mike W 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 4 
 Joined: 2008-03-13 
 Posted : 2008-03-18 08:27:10


I need the following data items from the related tables, so using the sp_report SalesByCustomerDetail would not give me the right info.

This Query gives me the correct results but it takes over 1 1/2 hours to run. Is there any thing that you see that can speed things up.

    InvoiceLine."TxnDate", InvoiceLine."RefNumber", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressAddr1", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressCity", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressState", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressPostalCode", InvoiceLine."PONumber", InvoiceLine."SalesRepRefFullName", InvoiceLine."ShipDate", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineItemRefFullName", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineDesc", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineQuantity", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineRate", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineInvoiced",
    Customer."FullName", Customer."BillAddressCity", Customer."BillAddressState", Customer."Phone", Customer."Contact", Customer."CustomerTypeRefFullName",
    ItemInventory."AverageCost", ItemInventory."CustomFieldAffilLicensingGroup", ItemInventory."CustomFieldBarCode", ItemInventory."CustomFieldCategory", ItemInventory."CustomFieldSize", ItemInventory."CustomFieldState",
    SalesOrderLinkedTxn."TxnDate", SalesOrderLinkedTxn."RefNumber"

  (( InvoiceLine LEFT OUTER JOIN ItemInventory ON       
    InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineItemRefListID"= ItemInventory."ListID") INNER JOIN Customer ON 
    InvoiceLine."CustomerRefListID" = Customer."ListID" ) LEFT OUTER JOIN SalesOrderLinkedTxn ON
    InvoiceLine."TxnID" = SalesOrderLinkedTxn."LinkedTxnTxnID"

Mike W


Mike W 
 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-03-18 11:03:11

This will run much faster, but isn't the same thing:

    InvoiceLine."TxnDate", InvoiceLine."RefNumber", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressAddr1", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressCity", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressState", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressPostalCode", InvoiceLine."PONumber", InvoiceLine."SalesRepRefFullName", InvoiceLine."ShipDate", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineItemRefFullName", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineDesc", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineQuantity", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineRate", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineInvoiced",
    Customer."FullName", Customer."BillAddressCity", Customer."BillAddressState", Customer."Phone", Customer."Contact", Customer."CustomerTypeRefFullName",
    ItemInventory."AverageCost", ItemInventory."CustomFieldAffilLicensingGroup", ItemInventory."CustomFieldBarCode", ItemInventory."CustomFieldCategory", ItemInventory."CustomFieldSize", ItemInventory."CustomFieldState",
    SalesOrderLinkedTxn."TxnDate", SalesOrderLinkedTxn."RefNumber"
FROM SalesOrderLinkedTxn, InvoiceLine, ItemInventory, Customer
    SalesOrderLinkedTxn."LinkedTxnTxnID" = InvoiceLine."TxnID"
and InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineItemRefListID"= ItemInventory."ListID"
and InvoiceLine."CustomerRefListID" = Customer."ListID"


  Mike W 
 Group: Members 
 Posts: 4 
 Joined: 2008-03-13 
 Posted : 2008-03-20 04:35:29


The only problem with this query is that we have just started using QB for sales orders in 2008. We have plenty of invoices from prior years. Your example will only show the invoice line if there is a sales order. I need to have all invoices regardless of whether there is a sales order for that invoice.

Any ideas on how to rewrite the FROM section ?

  (( InvoiceLine LEFT OUTER JOIN ItemInventory ON       
    InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineItemRefListID"= ItemInventory."ListID") INNER JOIN Customer ON 
    InvoiceLine."CustomerRefListID" = Customer."ListID" ) LEFT OUTER JOIN SalesOrderLinkedTxn ON
    InvoiceLine."TxnID" = SalesOrderLinkedTxn."LinkedTxnTxnID"




Mike W 
 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-03-26 10:17:29

Ok, after a little work getting the join syntax right this will do what you want:

    InvoiceLine."TxnDate", InvoiceLine."RefNumber", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressAddr1", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressCity", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressState", InvoiceLine."ShipAddressPostalCode", InvoiceLine."PONumber", InvoiceLine."SalesRepRefFullName", InvoiceLine."ShipDate", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineItemRefFullName", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineDesc", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineQuantity", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineRate", InvoiceLine."InvoiceLineInvoiced",
    Customer."FullName", Customer."BillAddressCity", Customer."BillAddressState", Customer."Phone", Customer."Contact", Customer."CustomerTypeRefFullName",
    ItemInventory."AverageCost", ItemInventory."CustomFieldAffilLicensingGroup", ItemInventory."CustomFieldBarCode", ItemInventory."CustomFieldCategory", ItemInventory."CustomFieldSize", ItemInventory."CustomFieldState",
    SalesOrderLinkedTxn."TxnDate", SalesOrderLinkedTxn."RefNumber"
FROM   (("InvoiceLine" LEFT OUTER JOIN "Customer" ON "InvoiceLine"."CustomerRefListID"="Customer"."ListID")
LEFT OUTER JOIN "ItemInventory" ON "InvoiceLine"."InvoiceLineItemRefListID"="ItemInventory"."ListID")
LEFT OUTER JOIN "SalesOrderLinkedTxn" ON "InvoiceLine"."TxnID"="SalesOrderLinkedTxn"."LinkedTxnTxnID"


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